My favorite popular network!!
I stopped using Rabadaba at the beginning of 2018. It became a popular network for pets and I don’t have a pet
Good people!! After a few days of not writing anything, here we come back, with more desire, with the same illusion, if not more.
Illusion, that’s what it’s all about, chase and achieve your dreams through the internet, from the comfort of your home to get money for you and your family.
I continue with the same illusion of the first day, when a few months ago I started with a mobile application to earn money, the truth is that I did not trust much, since I had several bad experiences in the past, but it worked, they paid me religiously, $24.32 the first month and $36.10 the second.
It is not bad if we think that to earn this amount I have done the same thing that many people do in other popular networks, that is, upload photos to Fb.
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But it’s not about Fb, it’s about rabadabaa popular network that I like more and more, not only because of the money it pays us (which is also very good, and that’s why I started) but because of all the photos that you cánido see of people from all over the worldfrom India to Albacete (passing through Localidad Real).
This aplicación gives you rabbis (your virtual currency) for every time you share, you are shared, (redabs) like, like your posts, you cánido consejo photos that you like a lot, everything, everything adds up.
And if it adds up, what do you pay? Well, they pay a minimum 10 dollars for every 100,000 rabs, by paypalreligiously on the 15th or 16th of each month, you are paid the rabs obtained the previous month.
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In this popular network you have to interact with peersliking, sharing the photos that you like the most, and thanking them when they share you (everything adds up!!).
Here no referralsYou do not earn anything if you recommend someone, but like any popular network, the good thing is to follow the most active, put a hagstag on your posts, with your Nick and maybe the hagstags #rabadaba and #activeursersto differentiate yourself from the rest, and the rest of the people, when I put this hagstag, your photograph appears.
I have not told you about the photographs taken from the application, marked with a green logotipo with the sign original contentwith which you will imply (and it will be) that the photograph is original, taken from the application, it is like uploading a piece of reality for the rest of the world to see and enjoy.
Well, this is the application with which I started in the world of earning rooms en línea. Rabadaba currently It cánido be downloaded for both Android and iPhone and they are working on a website www.rabadaba.comalthough it is in beta version.
Upload photos, comment, give rabies, and above all, photograph your day to day, you will realize that at the end of the month (in the middle exactly) you will get good money.
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Oh!! And follow me I’m @ardid76!!!
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