Linclik Shortener for Latin America
Linclik Shortener for Latin America
linclik is a backlink shortener in which we are going to earn money especially if we are from Latin America since this shortener works with all countries, pay by PayPal and Payza and has a regular payment rate.
Linclik’s details
- Assessment: Good
- Payment methods:PayPal and Payza
- minimum payment: $5 Dollar
- Payment Frequency: The 1st and 15th of each month
- pay rate: $1 for everyone
- we count: 3 Visits per IP every 24 hours
- referral system: Yes, you earn 10% of your referrals
- Languages: English
- accepted countries: All
How to make money with Linclik
For make money with linclick It is very easy, since what we have to do is go to the page of the shortener and sign upwe are only going to put a nombre de usuario, our dirección de correo electrónico and a password, once registered we cánido start working with the platform.
If we have a Fb page, a YouTube channel or are registered in any popular network, we perro use it to share our backlinks shortened and thus increase our profits.
Linclik referral system
Another way to win with this linclik shortener it is through his referral systemwhich allows us to earn 10% of our affiliates, all we have to do is share our backlink so that other people register through it.
We perro also use our popular networks and our YouTube channel to share our referral backlink, in this way we promote the platform in a more effective way.
linclik pays
I am one of the people who, before promoting a platform or trying it myself, always investigate whether it is paying or not, in this case Linclik pays actively, although perhaps not a shortener very well known I perro assure you that it is paying, that’s why I am recommending it.
Linclik Proof of Payment
Although I recently started using this shortener, I still don’t have linclik payment testsbut you perro check in the business forums that I am in, including Fb groups that the Linclik company has payment vouchers.
Linclik Recommendations and Opinions
One of the main advantages of this shortener called linclik is that not only pay by PayPal, but also that you count 3 visits per IP, this somewhat compensates for its low CPM which is only $1 per thousand visits.
Remember that make money with shorteners It will depend on the amount of traffic our backlinks receive, so it is vitally important to share it with as many valid traffic sources as we know. Register at the following backlink.
Alternatives to Linclik
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