Humanatic Pays [GANA MÁS DE $300 DÓLARES] »
Humanatic Pays [GANA MÁS DE $300 DÓLARES] »
Humanatic. Learn to earn money en línea auditing calls with Humanatic, and collect your money instantly for your PayPal account since Humanatic Pays by this payment processor, sign up today.
Humanatic Details
- Assessment: Good
- payment methodsor: PayPal
- minimum payment: $10 Dollar
- referral system: No
- Languages: English
- Speak English: Recommended
- accepted countries: All
What is Humanatic and how does it work?
Humanatic is a company that pays us to audit callsthe job consists of listening to calls and selecting an option among several, specifically 5, and our earnings will be accumulated in a wallet which we will later be able to withdraw through PayPal.
How to Earn Money with Humanatic
In order to start earning money with Humanatic it is necessary to have a PayPal verifiedsince the registration is done through our PayPal account, if you still do not have an account and you do not know how to create one, I leave you this article where I teach «How to create a PayPal account».
Another thing you should know is that it is recommended that you know English Since the calls are all in English, and if you do not speak this language, you will have difficulties to carry out the audit work of calls in Humanatic.
How to work at Humanatic
Let’s illustrate it with an example, imagine that you receive a category call “Live conversation – Outbound” this means Outgoing Call, here you need to know if the dealership employee cánido communicate with the person who is calling or not with another person, that is, a family member or friend.
Depending on what has happened according to the recording of the call, we must give an answer, for this the Humanatic system will present us with a series of options from which we will choose one, as we believe to be the correct answer.
What happens if you answer incorrectly on Humanatic?
Well, if you answer a call that you have audited wrongly, the company subtracts the value of that call multiplied x2 from your cómputo, that is, if a call generates $0.04 but the answer you gave is incorrect, $0.08 will be subtracted from your cómputo. your account.
In addition, the percentage of correct answers that you have will also decrease, for which you have to be very careful with the answers we give, but once we have taken the thread we will make fewer errors when auditing calls.
If you answer many questions incorrectly your percentage will go down to 70%, and if you don’t manage to recover then Humanatic will cancel your account.
What benefits do I get if I achieve a high hit %?
If you are able to maintain a high percentage in Humanaticthe company opens up new categories with which you cánido get better earnings from listening to calls, these new categories perro generate up to 10 times more than the others.
How much cánido you earn per month at Humanatic?
At the beginning you are not going to generate much, maybe about $10 – $20 dollars a week if you are not that good or fast with English, but if you are very good and new categories have already been enabled you perro generate more than $300 dollars a month without problems.
Does Humanatic pay or is it scam?
Of course yes, the company has been making payments without interruption for many years, Humanatic Pays by PayPal and so far there are no complaints or bad reputation of this company regarding its payments.
Humanatic Proof of Payment
The Humanatic company has payment vouchersbut not directly on your portal, rather the proof of payments You perro see them by users who have uploaded it on their channel Youtubein forums or in Fb groups.
Humanatic Recommendations and Opinions
If you speak English very well and have a lot of free time or are not working, this company is a very good opportunity to generate income from home with your English, it is a serious and reliable company with which you cánido work without any fear.
You perro register at the following backlink.
Alternatives to Humanatic
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