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How to withdraw money in Spain with a Card

How to withdraw money in Spain with a Card

Many people have doubts regarding the use of their debit or credit cards, especially when they are used abroad, since paying any expense abroad by this means is too expensive.

If you are going to travel to Spain and you have an Argentine card, you may want to know if you will be able to make payments and transactions with it. From now on you will know all the information related to the use of Argentine Debit or Credit Cards abroad.

Withdraw money from an ATM in Spain with Tarjeta Argentina

If you live in Argentina, but you are going to travel abroad soon and want to use your Argentine card, you should keep in mind that before leaving your country you have to notify your local bank of your desire to use it. Well, if you don’t do it on time, when you leave Argentina your card will be blocked.

Now, if you already made your notification and left for Spain. You may want to get local money to make cash payments. The option most used by travelers is to withdraw money by ATM. Although this alternative is fácil and fast, you must bear in mind that there are certain differences regarding the type of card you are going to use, be it debit or credit.

Withdraw money with a debit card

With this type of card you cánido only withdraw foreign currency that you have in your account (euros, dollars, etcétera.). The biggest advantage offered by this medium is that has no limitations regarding the amount of money you want to withdraw. This means that you perro withdraw all your funds if you wish.

Withdraw money by credit card

The amount of money you perro withdraw at an ATM with your credit card is limited to 50 USD per trade and charge a commission for each withdrawal. Sometimes this option is not very convenient.

ATMs that are within the European Union usually charge low commissions as long as you use your debit card to make the withdrawal. This does not apply to your credit card, if you use it the commission cánido be up to 5%, everything will depend on the type of bank.

Buy in Spain with Argentina Card

Every traveler has numerous expenses in purchases of products and payments for services, especially when you want to buy gift elementos. It is surprising to know that most banks in the European Union do not charge any type of commission when canceling at any commercial establishment with your foreign debit or credit card.

The bad news is that since December 23, 2019, the central entity of Argentina decided that for all consumption made from abroad with an Argentine credit card, 30% more than the value of the official dollar must be paid at the time of closing. the card. So the only option posible in this case it is use debit card.

Buy on the web with an Argentine card

The success achieved by web pages that sell a product or service is impressive. There are many people who prefer to make purchases through these sitessince they give the customer information about the product they are purchasing, allow them to make returns if they are dissatisfied and also provide comfort.

There are several ways to pay for these services, including your credit or debit card. If you make a purchase with your Argentine card from a foreign website, you will not be limited in terms of the amount of money. But it is important to keep in mind that for each consumption you must pay an additional 30% agregado the official dollar price.

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 How to withdraw money in Spain with a Card  How to withdraw money in Spain with a Card  How to withdraw money in Spain with a Card

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