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How to withdraw money from Morocco to Spain

How to withdraw money from Morocco to Spain

Spain and Morocco are countries with great wealth and have shared a history of struggle and independence for centuries. Today the relationship between these two countries has improved, to the point that Spain is Morocco’s main trading partner.

The close popular and commercial ties existing in Spain and Morocco have favored migration between the two countries. But sometimes it is difficult to take Dirhams (Moroccan official currency) to foreign countries, so many travelers want to know how to get Moroccan money out of this country. Discover below the existing alternatives for send money from Morocco to Spain.

Best ways to send money from Morocco to Spain

Every year more than 300,000 Moroccans travel to Spain and more than 700,000 Spaniards visit Morocco. This espectáculos how close these two countries are. Unfortunately, from an economic point of view, there are many drawbacks, since the Moroccan government considers that take out dirhams abroad is illegal.

It is true that Moroccan banks allow the entry of foreign currency as long as they are duly declared and that they perro be exchanged at exchange houses in the territory. But taking Dirhams to other countries is an act that is restricted. It is also not allowed to use Moroccan debit or credit cards outside the country.

Some Moroccans escoge to withdraw money abroad through illegal means. Ceuta is one of the few places outside of Morocco where Dirhams cánido be easily exchanged for cash. Many Moroccan residents travel to this place to exchange large amounts of Dirhams for Euros, but this poses a risk to the reputation and security of the person.


An easier, safer and faster alternative to send money to Spain from Morocco are the En línea platforms for sending money. These platforms are en línea services that allow you to perform various operations with your money, such as local and foreign shipments or receipts, purchases, sales, etcétera. You perro pay directly from your bank account or with your card.

It is not mandatory to pay with your card or from your bank account. You cánido also open an account without giving your bank details. In this case, your account will function as an En línea wallet, with which you cánido make payments, purchases, send and receive money in different currencies.

Best en línea platforms to send money from Morocco to Spain

There are many money transfer providers such as WorldRemit, PayPal, Transferwise and Azimo, but the best of all is Western Union. With this service you perro send various currencies to any part of the world, including Spain. You cánido also benefit from their money transfer agencies, which make it possible for the beneficiary to receive their money in cash.

If you are going to send Euros to Spain from Morocco by Western Union, you should take into account that this method presents some commissions that vary according to the amount of money to send. The table below espectáculos a detailed example of Western Union fees in Morocco.

Primordial amount in EUR

Shipping Commission

0.01 — 500.00


500.01 — 1,000.00


1,000.01 — 2,000.00


2,000.01 — 3,000.00


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 How to withdraw money from Morocco to Spain  How to withdraw money from Morocco to Spain  How to withdraw money from Morocco to Spain

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