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How to withdraw money from Kraken to account

How to withdraw money from Kraken to account

we will teach you how to withdraw money from kraken, either in USD, Euros, your local value or any other. Doing this is quite fácil, although it is convenient to know in detail to avoid any kind of confusion.

It is important to clarify that nothing explained here is related to financial advice. Also, you must understand that you must first have the currency you want to withdraw. If it is Euros, but you have any cryptocurrencyit is essential that you first convert it to the currency you wish to withdraw, generally the one you use in your locality.

buy crypto

To convert your cryptocurrency to your local currency, be it Euro, USD or another, it is necessary that you first access your account. From there go to the top edge, specifically select buy crypto.

In this section select Convert. There, locate the cryptocurrency you have and the local currency you want to change to. You must hit Preview and see if it has any cost and the general details of the amount of money you would have in the currency to be converted. After that, if you agree, you just have to confirm.

How to withdraw funds on Kraken?

Once you have the money you want to withdraw in your local currency, or the one you have selected, you must go to the top bar, from Startand select Money.

Inside you will have to locate the option of Withdraw, you select it, you choose the local currency in the new window that opened. In doing so, it will generate the withdrawal method that you will have to choose.

Among the methods you have, there is KNOW which is the most used, but you will choose the one that best suits your needs. You place it and you will select Continue. Another new window will open where you will have to add the bank details, specifically the one you want to use to function as a receiver for the money you want to withdraw.

How to add new bank account in Kraken?

For add new bank account You will need the details of the bank that you wish to use as the recipient of the money to be withdrawn. In principle, you will have to place the description that will be totally free to choose what you want to place.

After that you add account name of the bank, then the full IBAN and the name of the bank of the bank. Likewise, you will have to establish the name of your bank’s branch, which you cánido locate by searching the internet. Having everything, just select add bank account.

Steps to Deposit and Withdraw on Kraken

Having placed all the bank details, you will be enabled the amount you want to use or withdraw from your savings portfolio. First of all, you will have to select which account you want to do it to. In this case, place the one you just added, which will be added with the name you decided to give it.

Later, entrar the specific amount to withdraw. Below, it will confirm the bank details. To finish, select Withdraw and it will be ready. In a margin of two to three business days, you would have it in your bank account, as long as you have entered all the data correctly.

Vídeo tutorial on how to withdraw money from Kraken and send to bank account

Even though it’s very fácil withdraw money from Kraken and send to bank accountwe leave you a vídeo tutorial in which we explain you in detail while the entire procedure is done live, in case you have any questions.

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 How to withdraw money from Kraken to account  How to withdraw money from Kraken to account  How to withdraw money from Kraken to account

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