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How to use the DEGIRO aplicación on your mobile

How to use the DEGIRO aplicación on your mobile

Since you are already a DEGIRO usuario (otherwise, see this tutorial on how to create a degiro account), surely you wonder how to use the DEGIRO Aplicación on mobile. Well, you should know that it is very easy. And, by reading this articulo, you will manage to manage this broker from the comfort of your Android.

If, in fact, you already have it installed, then pay attention to what follows in this article, where we will basically explain the functionalities of ROTATION adapted to the Android system.

Main sections in the DEGIRO aplicación

It will begin by talking about your sections main, which you will find by default once you open said aplicación. And these are:

  • Losses and Profits daily
  • Market
  • Favorites
  • Briefcase
  • Activity
  • your browser

These sections are located in the bottom of your mobile screen, except for the first one, which is a tab located on the blue top stripe from the screen.

Starting with the first:

Daily Profit and Loss

This dropdown tab allows you to see your indices, both in percentageas in shape numerical, depending on the currency in which you have the account.

To the Give a touch on this strip you get:

Account summary

What is a box that contains:

  • Totals of your entire Account
  • The totals of your Briefcase
  • He free margin what do you have to withdraw
  • Your Pending orders and last transactions

On the other hand, there is the section:


When you entrar this section, you will find other subcategoriesscrolling through the top bar of options, such as:


In it you will find the main indices of all available markets, agregado stocks ‘winners and losers’. Also, if you go further down the screen, you have the main currencies and, later, a little about Subjects cousins and some News main.


With regard to news that affect the markets directly.


Where you perro see, at the same time, in a top bar, more subcategoriessuch as the section of holidays, OPV/PAHO, dividends, Benefits, Splits. andFinally, all kinds of executions based on specific actions or markets.

Next on the list is:


In this section you cánido add any index, action, badge, according to your decision. You cánido subdivide into several sections by adding new lists.

Later you have the option:


Option in which you will get all your Actions and you cánido also see the positions already closed with the total of loss either revenue in which they have closed.

To continue, you then have the option:


where you will be shown types orders and orders earrings by execute established by you, such as limit orders and Market orders, both in Buy and Sell, Stoploss and Stop limited.

And finally:

THE Product Finder

Which, helps you to find any type of assets financial, Actionsetcétera, showing you, also, always in the upper blue band, the Margin Free What do you have to spend? Once you get the action you are looking for, it gives you the options of Buys either Sale.

Important: Do not forget that in order to use the option of Sale in DEGIROyou must possess Actionssince it does not allow shorts, unlike other brokers.

In addition to this, it goes on to explain a couple more things that you should know:

The Chart View

If you are using the option seeker of products and you want to move to the graphics box, you go back, touching the arrow top left of your screen and then you give a touch to the icon shaped like magnifying glass located top right.

With this browseryou perro see your searches by way of graphics. You have the same Buy and Sell options, but the indices are shown graphically. You perro even configure the view of said graphs by the following categories: Yesterday, 1 Day, 1 Week, 1 Month, 3 Monthsetcétera.

You cánido also see in the scroll bar above, the View previoushe Profile of the Companytheir Financeand more information related to that company.

And, if you keep scrolling down the Preview option, you will get more relevant information about the company, such as figures Clue, Dividend releases and their dates, Financial data and else.

On the other hand, you find one more option:

An Icon in the Shape of Three Dots

This is located at the top right when you have an action open. This icon espectáculos you the compact grouping of several lines that are spread over various parts of your screen.

But this is not all. There’s still more:

Other sections of interest in the DEGIRO Aplicación

As a final part, going back to the beginning, at the top right you get a drop-down menu, whose iconit has shape of three hairlines horizontal. In it you will be shown a series of more sections, which are:

  • Your profile
  • Deposit / Withdraw Funds
  • Announcements
  • Trading Settings
  • Help and Support

We will tell you a little about these sections:

Your profile

Option in which you will have the entire section of settings of personal information from your DEGIRO account, such as:

  • Personal information
  • trading profile
  • Security
  • Linked Bank Accounts
  • tax information

You then have the option:

Deposit / Withdraw Funds

the option of Entrar or Withdraw funds, it is very afín to the PC version. In it you will find the same dialog box where you cánido choose to deposit or withdraw money from your DEGIRO account.

You will then come across:

Announcements, Trading Settings, and Help and Support

Options that are no less important, since they allow you communicate with the support and other things related to information. For example, within the section Trade Settingsyou will see information regarding Currency Treatment, Real-time Quotes, Notifications, among others.

In addition to this, you have at your disposal Information about trading, Aid and Medium.

Examples of this are:


Which you cánido configure if you want to receive said Notifications or alerts to your mobile about pending such as the status of any of your orders, portfolio Depreciation, etcétera.

And on the other hand:

Currency Treatment

Where you perro change the settings for these operations to Manual or, just leave it on automatic (autofx).

Trading on the depósito market has never been easier than now with the android technology. And the platform of ROTATION offers you the opportunity to carry out these operations from your mobile with this aplicación, designed to make your life easier, and take with you, whenever you want, wherever you want, the practicality of a financial broker, such as DEGIRO in the comfort of your pocket.

We hope you liked our article How to use the DEGIRO aplicación on your mobile
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 How to use the DEGIRO aplicación on your mobile  How to use the DEGIRO aplicación on your mobile  How to use the DEGIRO aplicación on your mobile

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