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How to transfer money from one bank to another WITHOUT

How to transfer money from one bank to another WITHOUT

If you are a person who does constant bank transfers and you handle mathematics well, you cánido easily imagine the amount of money that cánido go away in a couple of years only in commissions.

In fact, some believe that they cánido be get to pay in commissions about €200 per year.

Therefore, it is quite useful (and even necessary) to know the ways in which you perro transfer money from one bank to another without paying a commission. And this is precisely what you perro learn in this article. Let’s see what it’s about…

What is the usual cost to transfer from one bank to another?

The cost of a bank transfer perro depend on many aspects: If it is national either international, the type of account, the financial institution that supports it, the degree of connection you have with your bank, etcétera.

A transfer to level global it is usually 0.3% to 0.4% of the transferred amount. In some cases when the transfers are urgent, it cánido reach up to 0.50% commission.

In which cases perro money be transferred from one bank to another without commissions?

The usual thing is that banks have a serious interest in these commissions, since bank transfers represent a good percentage of their income (it is estimated that it is 14% of their income). However, this does not orinan that it is not possible to make transfers without the cost of commissions.

Some options to carry out this type of transaction would be the following:

Open an account in an en línea bank:

These are those that only work en línea, and have the advantage that their transfers are commission-free. In Spain there are En línea banks such as OpenBank or the En línea account BBVA No commissions.

Ask the bank to be exempt from commissions:

Some banks free their best clients from commissions, as well as those who have different contracted services. The key here is to have several services with the entity so that it is easier for you to negotiate with it.

Find a bank that offers the fee-free service

There are banks that allow you to make commission-free transfers such as N26 account and Open Current Account.

Use Bizum (very habitual)

This service is usually low-priced and is also free in most banks. This service is coming integrated into most bank applications in Spainyou just have to backlink the service to your account.

Through these options you will be able to make commission-free bank transfers. Do you know of any other way to make commission-free transfers? Let us know about it in the comments.

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 How to transfer money from one bank to another WITHOUT  How to transfer money from one bank to another WITHOUT  How to transfer money from one bank to another WITHOUT

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