How to start a business without knowing anything about

How to start a business without knowing anything about

If you have come this far it is because you would like to know how to start your own businessbut you have no iniciativa what your first step should be.

Many people are encouraging create a business even if it is small. And even more so today with the crisis that exists in which having a job – whatever the type – is no longer a safe option and salaries are getting worse.

The big problem is that there you are, determined or determined to open your own businesswith all the enthusiasm in the world and willing to work 12 hours a day if necessary.

But you don’t know anything about business.

You don’t know whether to start an en línea business or a physical one, nor what to sell or what services to offer; You have no iniciativa if you will need a lot or a little capital to start it, or how to attract clients and market yourself to increase your profits.

You are in luck: next I am going to espectáculo you the 8 steps you must take to start a businessfrom what type of venture is best for you, how to get financing, to how to register your business and create a marketing plan to have a good customer base.

How to start your business in 8 steps

1. Think about what your business will be

This step is clear to you: If you want to start a business, you must have an iniciativa of ​​what it is going to be. However, there are many people who, although they are clear that they want to start an activity of this type, do not know exactly what to do.

I I cánido not tell you what is the ideal business for you even if you tell me what things you are passionate about or what you have good knowledge of. That is solely your decision.

But what I cánido do is give you some consejos to clarify your ideas.

To create a successful business, you must mezcle 3 important factors: something you like, something you know or already have skills with, and something that is interesting to others.

You cánido escoge to create a craft business because you like that activity and it is a fashionable campo; but if you don’t know how to do crafts, your project will fail.

Or you perro think about selling templates for weblogs and web designs because you know how to do it and it is a business that now makes a lot of money. But if you don’t like it enough, or have little interest in it, it will espectáculo and you will end up having to close your company.

So think carefully about those 3 factors and make a list to escoge for one venture or another.

with our article 6 steps that will help you know what business to start you will be able to discover what your interests and skills are.

and with the articulo How to know if your business iniciativa will be profitable you will be able to find out if there is a market that is willing to buy what you sell.

2. make your business plan

Do you already know what business you are going to start? If so, before you start going crazy looking for how to attract clients or where to get the money you need, it is essential that make your business plan

A business plan is a kind of “guide” where you will see the most important ideas embodied of your project to guide you throughout the process.

Although the name may seem somewhat complicated to elaborate, don’t worry, It’s not as difficult as you think and it will be very useful both to take the first step to equipo up your business, and to solve future problems once you have opened your doors to your clients.

It is not necessary that your business plan be long (between 10 and 15 pages is enough), and in it you should answer the following basic questions:

  • What will your business be?
  • What are you going to sell in your business (products, services, etcétera.)
  • who will be your clients (men, women, how old are they, what interests, how much do they earn?)
  • How are you going to reach them? (popular networks, advertising in magazines, brochures in their mailboxes)
  • Who’s are yours competitors and how perro you differentiate yourself from them
  • Where are you going to put your business? (Internet, a physical location…)
  • That equipment, materials, and expenses you will have (to create a budget of the necessary capital)
  • how will you get finance your project if you need capital (investors, your savings, your family)
  • That risks exist

Read the following article to know how to make your business plan: How to design your business model step by step.

3. Look for financing if you need it

The next step is find the necessary money to start your business, if you need it.

For example: if you want to create an en línea store where you sell your crafts or offer services such as consulting, you may only need very little savings for a website that will cost you very little each month, and just under $50 for materials.

On the other hand, if your dream is to open a lugar de comidas, a gym, or even a virtual clothing store, the investment will be greater and probably don’t have enough money.

Read the following article to find out what options you have to raise capital: How to get money to start your own business.

4. Create the profile of your ideal client

Surely for you your ideal client is anyone who comes to your business and spends $500; but when we talk about the profile of the ideal client, we refer to the people who are going to buy what you offer.

If you are going to sell women’s dresses that cost $150, chances are a man is not your ideal clientand that a woman with a very low salary is not either because she will not be able to pay it.

Just like if you offer en línea guitar courses, not all men, women and children will be interested in that, only those who like it and want to learn to play this instrument.

That’s why it’s so important identify your ideal customer making your profile

Ask yourself if it is a man, a woman or children, how old is he, what are his tastes, what things they buy and where they buy them (en línea or in physical stores), what their needs are and what problems they have and how your product or service perro solve them.

5. Choose the location of your business

Once you know who your client is, where they buy, and you have obtained the necessary financing, you must choose the location of your business.

If you have verified that your customers tend to buy more over the Internet, this step will be very easy for you because you only have to buy a domain and hosting to make your website and open your business en línea.

But if your buyers are more traditional – they like to go to a physical store to buy your products or services – or your company needs a physical place such as a warehouse or a building, you will have to choose a location and venue.

If you are going to equipo up a store, make sure that it is located in a good place through which people interested in what you sell pass, that is accessible (public transport arrives, there is aparcamiento for cars) and that it is a good size for what you need.

6. Look for suppliers if you offer products

if in your business you provide services or you are the one who creates your products, you perro skip this step and go to the next point.

But if you are going to sell products not manufactured by you, it is important that look for good suppliers let the goods serve you.

The first thing is to think what do you need from your provider: Do you want your articles to be good, but somewhat more expensive? EITHER Do you prefer a lower quality but with lower cost?

Once this aspect is considered, look for several distributors with the characteristics you have. You cánido start your search on the Internet, talking to other entrepreneurs in the same ámbito, going to trade associations to see if they have lists of suppliers…

When you have found some suppliers, talk to ALL of them and select the ones that interest you the most, and then try to negotiate the prices to see which one gives you a better service with a cheaper price.

Remember that it is important that try their services placing a small first order and if you like the way he works with you, stick with him.

7. register your business

At this point, before starting to carry out the activity of your business, it will be necessary for you to register it and request the licenses and necessary permits.

I cánido’t tell you exactly what paperwork you’ll need to do because this It is different for each type of company. and every country.

For example, if you want to open a bar, apart from registering your business, you will also need licenses and permits to sell alcohol, while if you want to equipo up a cell phone store, this will not be necessary, but you may have to process other documentation.

So the best will be Go to your town hall or the body that corresponds to youand request there all the necessary information.

8. Create your marketing plan to attract customers

This is the last step to start your business: create a marketing plan to know what message to convey and through which channel to attract customers to your company.

It will also be very useful for this. the customer profile that you created in point 4because with it you will know where your customers are and what interests them the most.

your marketing plan must include:

  • What goals do you want to achieve? (attract customers, retain them, get X percentage more sales, etcétera.)
  • What strategies are you going to use? (advertising, publications on popular networks, discounts, organization of events, contests…)
  • What media will you use? to put your plan into action (traditional advertising, digital marketing)

With this data, you must put your marketing plan into action to start publicizing your business and thus build your client portfolio.

For example: if you sell sportswear and your customers are men and women between the ages of 18 and 26, who like to exercise and use Fb and Twitter daily, it would be logical for you to promote yourself on this popular network by posting ads about sports, with images related to this campo, etcétera.

Starting a business cánido seem somewhat complicated; but if you go little by little, and step by stepthinking well what you should do, it’s easier than you think.

And best of all: once your project goes live, if you’ve done everything right, the benefits it will bring you will be a great reward to all your efforts.

And you, What kind of business would you like to start this year? Leave me a comment below and tell me what you think.

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I am a journalist specialized in business but my great passion is personal motivation and helping others achieve their goals. I firmly believe that opportunities in life do not happen: you create them.

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  How to start a business without knowing anything about

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