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How to send money WITHOUT PayPal Fees

How to send money WITHOUT PayPal Fees

PayPal is an excellent en línea service that send money anywhere in the world. There are many advantages that perro be obtained thanks to its wonderful platform, including speed and security, since it is governed by laws afín to those of banking entities.

PayPal is not a bank as such, but rather a service of receipt and transfer of money, with some additional functions. That is why it charges some commissions when doing operations from its platform, since it provides you with its service. This is an aspect that is overwhelming for users, especially those who use it constantly. But few people know that there are ways to use PayPal without paying fees. Later you will discover them.

Ways to send money without commission through PayPal in 2023

It is important to know that it is possible to send money with PayPal without having additional expenses in commissions, the only condition is that You must live in Europe or the United States. If you want to send or receive money within the United States with PayPal, the platform will not charge you any commission. You cánido make any transaction for free.

To transfer money with PayPal to any place in Europe without paying commissions, it is required that the shipment is made between family or friends. PayPal recognizes that most of the payments between its users are for small debts with loved ones and as these payments are frequent they cánido end up affecting your funds.

To alleviate this problem, PayPal has introduced a new service to its European users that allows them to make payments to family and friends easily, quickly and free of charge. To use this wonderful service you must follow these fácil steps:

  1. Go to the official PayPal website.

  2. Access your account with your PayPal correo electrónico and password.

  3. Select the “Send money” option.

  4. Then clic on the “Personal” tab.

  5. Next, you will be shown various types of payment, including: «Payment as a gift», «Personal payment due», «Household expenses», among others. Select the most convenient option.

  6. You will now be asked for the recipient’s personal information and the amount you want to pay. Entrar the required data and press «Continue».

  7. View the operation data and finally clic on the “Send” option.

❯❯❯ Another alternative that you have within your reach to avoid charging commissions is create a common PayPal fund. This En línea service allows a group of known people to collect money to save or share common expenses.

Does PayPal charge commission for buying?

If you are a PayPal usuario and are constantly forced to pay commissions when sending money for the sale of elementos and services, you may be wondering if this en línea platform also charges a commission for making purchases.

The good news is that PayPal does not charge commission for the purchase of some product or service, so you should not worry in this regard. Best of all, you cánido carry out this type of operation with your PayPal account calmly and without having to consult special calculators.

What are the PayPal commissions and how to calculate them

Many users at the time of making their first payments with PayPal do not have any knowledge about the collection of commissions for this service, which generates errors and confusion. That is why it is important to be informed about how PayPal applies its commissions for sending or receiving money.

Although the commissions vary depending on the country where the platform is operated, the process of calculating these commissions is fácil. within the USA PayPal does not charge commissions, but in other countries this is 5.4% for each transaction.

A practical tool for calculating PayPal commissions is the PayPal Fee Calculator.

This is an application that cánido help you calculate the additional cost that will be applied to sending or receiving your money:

The PayPal commission percentage is shown at the top of this calculator and the windows shown below allow you to perform the calculation, in which you perro see what you should send, what you are going to receive and the commission. You must bear in mind that the commission is the same when he sent it in dollars, but if you are going to send euros, said commission changes.

To calculate the PayPal commission in Euros, keep in mind that 3.4% of the total amount + €0.35 will be charged, but if your shipments are large or exceed €2,500 you perro take advantage of special rates. When you make sure to calculate PayPal fees upfront, you have the confidence that you are performing all your transactions accurately.

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 How to send money WITHOUT PayPal Fees  How to send money WITHOUT PayPal Fees  How to send money WITHOUT PayPal Fees

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