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How to send money to Argentina from Spain

How to send money to Argentina from Spain

The money transfers between people from Spain and Argentina They are frequent operations. These two countries share close ties due to the migration that existed between the two centuries before. Today it is difficult to send money to Argentina by bank. Well, in the commissions both those of the local bank and those of the foreign bank are charged.

A widely used option to withdraw foreign money in Argentina is the ATM. But this method is sometimes very expensive. The rapid evolution of En línea platforms in 2023 has provided various web services to send money from Spain to Argentina in a fácil and cheap way. Here you will discover the best.

Send money from Spain to Argentina by Wester Union in 2023

If you live in Spain, but regularly make bank transfers to Argentina, you may be tired of paying huge amounts of money in commissions. Fortunately today you have at your disposal an En línea platform that send money anywhere in the world simply, quickly and economically.

Western Union has stood out for being the best en línea provider of this service. Its platform operates efficiently around the world thanks to its more than 500,000 agents. You cánido take advantage of the various advantages offered by this service by going to any of its offices or directly from its website.

Creating an En línea account at Western Union is a operation free very fácil. You just have to go to its official page, register your personal information and provide the details of your bank account or your credit or debit card.

If you escoge to send money to Argentina from a Western Union agency, you will not have any restrictions on the amount of money to send. But if you send from an En línea account if a limit is applied to it. It is not mandatory to associate your bank account or card with the platform, but if you do it you will get many advantages.

With Western Union The constant problems when sending money to Argentina from Spain will disappear. It is your best option to make payments, purchases, or any other transfer of funds immediately. Also, it is a very reliable alternative.

Other ways to send money from Spain to Argentina

Many Spanish banks have various methods to send money to Argentina, such as bank transfers, checks, money orders, among others. Although these are the most used means for this type of transaction, it seems that every day they become more expensive and slow. Many people frequently opt for these options simply because they are safe.

Every day there are more people who dare to use en línea money transfer services to send money to Argentina. Many of them have noticed that these platforms have the same security system as banking entities. Best of all, there is a wide variety of platforms to choose from. PayPal and Ria Money are some of the best.


PayPal is the most famous money transfer provider at the moment. It has become the best financial and business solution for millions of users, allowing them to make payments, purchases, send money abroad and locally easily and quickly.

This platform operates efficiently all over the world. If you make your shipment through PayPal Xoom the beneficiary will be able to collect his money directly and in cash, no need to open a PayPal account. The commissions depend on the amount of money to send, that is, if you send a small amount of money, your commissions will be low.

ria money

This platform has a fairly wide service network, operating effectively around the world with different currencies. The most prominent feature of Ria Money is the speedcompleting the sending of your money in minutes.

You cánido register your bank account on its official website or send the money in person at an Argentine office so that the beneficiary perro withdraw it just by presenting an identity document.

Before using some of these providers, it is important to analyze and compare factors such as the exchange rate, commissions, type of payment, fees and the delivery time of the money. so you cánido make he sent with much more confidence.

➤ This is the platform backlink:

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 How to send money to Argentina from Spain  How to send money to Argentina from Spain  How to send money to Argentina from Spain

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