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How to send money on Binance from one account to

How to send money on Binance from one account to

Binance has become one of the best platforms to buy cryptocurrencies for sending money, the favorite of many. For a long time we have paid high commissions on different payment platforms, but it seems that this is about to end thanks to cryptocurrencies and the largest platform of crypto assets. In this article we explain step by step how to send binance money from one account to another in a short time and best of all NO COMMISSIONS!

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How to send money from one account to another on Binance

Basically, there are two options to transfer money within this platform, one is through Binance Pay (the famous P2P) or making a withdrawal from our wallet spots using the network of Ethereum, Cardano, Tron, among others. It should be noted that some networks may have high commissions, such as Ethereum, therefore, for the withdrawal we will only explain how to do it from the BSC (Binance network), which does not charge commission.

Option 1: Binance Pay

This is the best option to make money transfers through the largest cryptocurrency platform. It is the simplest, just using the correo electrónico, phone or payment ID we will send the amount of money we want.

  1. We entrar our account and clic on «Wallet», then we select «Funds Wallet».
  1. We clic on the option «Pay» which is at the top.
  1. A payment form will be displayed, in which we must select one of the three options to send money: dirección de correo electrónico, phone number or payment ID. Obviously, the correo electrónico and telephone number must be the ones used to register on the platform. The Payment ID is generated when you clic on the «Receive» option, which is seen in the previous image (below «Pay»).
  1. Then, we select the cryptocurrency that we will send and the wallet (we must have money in our wallet of money either spots). In this case we select USDT, known as Tether.
  1. We introduce the Amount and select «Pay».

We perro also place a payment note, but it is optional.

  1. We verify the data and clic on «Confirm» if they are correct.
  1. Finally, we must introduce our PIN To carry out the transaction, we create this 6-digit key when making a transfer using Binance Pay for the first time.
  1. Finally, a notice should appear with “Message Complete».

Option 2: Withdraw from Spot

This other way is a little more complex, since we must use public addresses and networks. To make it as fácil as possible, we are going to explain it using the BSC network and the cryptocurrency that we are going to use is BUSD.

  1. We entrar the platform, clic on «Wallet» and select «spot wallet».
  1. In «Search Currency» We write the currency that we want to withdraw to another account. In this case we will use BUSD.
  1. In the currency we are looking for, we select the option «Withdraw».
  1. We entrar the address to which we will send the shipment.
  1. We select the Network, if we send BUSD, we cánido use in this case the one of ETH (very expensive in terms of commissions), BNB (BEP2) commission of 0.5 BUSD and BSC (BEP20) that does not have commissions, this is the one we must choose. If we select BEP2, we must entrar a MEMO and the wallet address spots from the other account.
  1. Binance will ask us if we are sure that the chosen network is the correct one, if so, we clic on «Yes, I’m sure».
  1. We entrar the Amount to send and clic on «Withdraw».

Through this option we must wait for the Binance Blockchain to make the necessary confirmations for the money to reach its destination.

Commissions that exist

If we are going to use the «Withdrawal» option, we must take into account the network we select, since each one has a different commission. For example, if we want to use the TRC-20 (TRON) network to send USDT, we must pay a commission of 1 USDT to make the shipment.

There are other much more expensive networks, therefore, we recommend being aware of the cost of commissions when choosing a network to make withdrawals to another account.

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Our opinion

We have used different platforms to send money and we perro say that Binance is one of the best. If we use Binance Pay, it is much better, since commissions do not existit is much easier to use and the money is sent immediately without any kind of waiting.

Likewise, it is possible to use the withdrawal option through spotswhich not only allows transfers within this exchange, but also to external addresseslike a wallet from another exchange or Metamask.

So far our tutorial on sending money within one of the most important cryptocurrency platforms. Remember to make sure you use the correct recipient details so you don’t lose money.

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 How to send money on Binance from one account to  How to send money on Binance from one account to  How to send money on Binance from one account to

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