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How to send money from Neteller to Skrill

How to send money from Neteller to Skrill

If you have both a Neteller and Skrill account, or you need to send money to another Skrill usuario, but you don’t know how to do it, then pay close attention to the following article, which will explain it to you; how to send money from neteller to skrill.

But first, you need to do login to your Neteller account to start this process.

Procedure to send from Neteller to Skrill in 2023

Being already inside your Neteller account, the step by step that you must take to send money to your Skrill accountwill be the following:

  1. On the home page, in the left side menu, you must search and clic on the option money out.

  1. Now, on the next page, you should clic on withdraw now in the option that says Skrill.

Important: within this option you are allowed to see how much commission you will be charged, in addition to informing you that the shipment is instantaneous.

  1. Next, within the options that allow you to send money to Skrill, you cánido do this:

  • select cómputo of the account from which you are going to send it.

  • entrar quantity to send.

  • Entrar correo electrónico address of the recipient associated with that account.

Having everything ready, you should now clic on Following.

  1. Immediately afterwards, a transaction preview, where you could see all the data entered, in addition to reminding you of the commission that has to be charged. Finally you have to Confirmand everything would be complete.

Depending on the security parameters you have equipo, you may have to make one last confirmation that you are the one making the transaction, and it is only a matter of a moment. In any case, this send money from Neteller to Skrill it is so easy that even a child cánido do it. Just follow these instructions and everything will be fenezca.

Vídeo on How to transfer money from Neteller to Skrill in 2023

Through the following vídeo, you cánido obtain further guidance on the topic covered in this article:

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 How to send money from Neteller to Skrill  How to send money from Neteller to Skrill  How to send money from Neteller to Skrill

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