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How to send money from México to Spain

How to send money from México to Spain

Today sending money abroad is a fácil process. The various existing options make it difficult to choose the best means of international transfers. If you are in México and want to send money to Spain, you probably have questions about how to do it.

Before sending money abroad it is important to consider the most convenient option. You perro use services specialized in international transfers or a banking method. Each one has different characteristics, which seek to provide the customer with the best experience. We are going to teach you what are the best ways to send money to México from Spain.

Transfer money from México to Spain BBVA

The euro is a well-known currency in the international market, so if you want to send money in euros from banks in countries outside European territory, you won’t have any problem.

The bank BBVA Bancomer is one of the largest financial institutions in México. Any shipment you make from this entity is fácil and safe, but you should keep in mind that their commissions are sometimes a bit high. From now on you will see how to make a transfer of funds through this bank.

  1. Mainly you must be an active client of the BBVA entity and have credit or debit cards belonging to this bank.

  2. Use their en línea service by adding your contact information and card number.

  3. After creating your account, go to the en línea portal bbvanetcash.com, to add the beneficiary’s data (account number, dirección de correo electrónico, name, address and such as the SWIFT bank code).

  4. Remember to withdraw the standardized bank code of 18 unrepeatable digits.

❯❯ Of course, you perro also go directly to a BBVA headquarters in México, to carry out your transaction in person. The time it will take for your money to reach your recipient by this means will be from 1 to 5 business days.

BBVA provides you with the Bancomer mobile application, with which you perro carry out various bank operations from anywhere. To enjoy it, you just have to download the application on Google plus Play or the Aplicación store.

Send money from Spain to México through PayPal

PayPal is a company that offers digital payment services worldwide. It is characterized by providing fast, easy and secure assistance. Calculate conversion fees based on the amount of money you escoge to send, starting at 2.5%. It does not ask for a commission when shipments are made between countries of the European Union. These are the steps to make a shipment with PayPal:

  1. The first thing you should do is create a PayPal account. To register, go to its official page, clic on «create account», fill in the required information such as name and date of birth, telephone number, dirección de correo electrónico, address and do not forget to entrar the details of your linked bank account. Save your data.

  2. Once registered, you cánido start transferring. Select the “Send money” tab. You must remember that the beneficiary must also have a PayPal account.

  3. Entrar the recipient’s phone number or correo electrónico, amount of money to send, and a brief description of the transfer.

  4. Calculate the total amount of the transaction with its commission with the «PayPal Commission Calculator» and finally select the «Send money» option. The beneficiary will receive his money immediately.

Sometimes the entire process takes a few minutes. but if you wish you perro retain the money in your PayPal account to save or transfer it to the bank account linked to your PayPal.

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 How to send money from México to Spain  How to send money from México to Spain  How to send money from México to Spain

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