How to send from Metamask to Binance step by step
How to send from Metamask to Binance step by step
Have you had crypto transferred to your Metamask account and need to transfer it to Binance? This article will teach you how to do it, without complications and step by step.
So, without further ado, you perro start your journey through this procedure.
Steps to Send Metamask Crypto to Binance in 2023
Said procedure consists of making the following movements; first you must get the address to the cryptocurrency from the Binance wallet, then transfer the cryptos you want from Metamask to BNB and, finally, from BNB you will transfer them to Binance.
Entrar Binance to obtain the address of the crypto to send from Metamask
inside the page Start your account at BinanceFirstly, the task that you are going to carry out will be to obtain essential information to be able to send you the cryptos in question from Metamask. And this is how to do it:
Hover your cursor over the option Walletat the top right of the screen.
Then, inside the dropdown menu, clic on the option Fiat and Spot.
Within Fiat and Spot, clic on Depositat the top right of the screen.
Immediately afterwards, you will entrar the section of Crypto Deposit.
Within this section you have to do two things according to the options given to you:
Clic on okey in a small floating box, and in this way, the address is already shown to you (address) of the crypto that you are going to require.
Back to page of Crypto Deposityou are going to proceed to copy crypto address clicking on the corresponding icon.
With the crypto address saved to your clipboard, what’s left to do now is head over to Metamask to continue the procedure.
Convert other Cryptocurrencies to BNB in MetaMask
To access Metamask, you perro do it using the google chrome extension (if you have it) and, with only clic on sheyou are already given the corresponding options to log in.
Once logged into Metamaskwhat you should do to redeem your cryptos to BNBis what is described below:
search and clic on it of Redeem, which is the option that allows you to transfer your cryptos to BNB.
Then, clic on the cryptocurrency selector within the «Redeem from» section, to select the Cryptocurrency that you want to send from Metamask (after which, you perro entrar the amount to send or, if you want to send all, clic on MAX).
Now, in the «Redeem to» section, you have to select the BNB crypto.
In this way, your cryptos would go to BNB as expected.
Send BNB to Binance from Metamask
Finally, as part of this process, what you should do now is send the BNB cryptos to Binance. To do this you will do this:
Clic on he metamask extension iconone more time.
Once you are in the operations box, (where you will be shown the amount you have in BNB), you must clic on it bnb icon.
Clic on icon Send.
Now yes, you cánido paste the address obtained from Binance in the designated section.
Next, in another box, you should be told that the detected address is correct, in addition to giving you the shipping options:
In section Assetit already appears to you that it is in BNB.
In section Amountyou must place the amount that you are going to send to Binance.
Within the GAS section you will be shown the topic of commissions, which it is recommended that you leave the default.
Having taken all these steps, then you could already clic on Following.
What follows now is that you confirm the transaction in a box that gives you a preview of it. If you agree with all this, then go to clic on Send.
That’s right, transactions for transfer cryptos from Metamask to Binance They are extremely fácil as you may have noticed. Just always make sure to get the address to the crypto wallet and use the corresponding network to avoid problems.
Vídeo on how to transfer BNB from MetaMask to Binance
If you still have doubts regarding the issue of sending Cryptos from Metamask to Binance, the following vídeo will surely clarify them, so take a look:
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