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How to Send Cryptocurrency from Coinbase to Huobi

How to Send Cryptocurrency from Coinbase to Huobi

With this current euphoria of sending cryptos from one platform to another, you may find yourself in a rush to send cryptos from Coinbase to Huobi Global, which are two of the most recognized in their industry.

The dilemma of this type of shipment may be How perro you send cryptocurrency from Coinbase to Huobi? Don’t worry, here you will get the answer.

However, it will be much better if First you log in to your Coinbase and Huobi accounts before starting the tour of this article.

Steps to send crypto from Coinbase to Huobi in 2023

The process of sending cryptocurrencies from Coinbase to Huobi consists of two stages; (1) you must entrar Huobi to get the address of the crypto to send and (2) entrar Coinbase to entrar said address, accordingly. That said, you cánido start the aforementioned process.

Get the address of the crypto within Huobi

For a start, you must first go to your Huobi account and find the code or address that you need to send cryptos from Coinbase. Once inside the main interfaz of your account, the steps you must follow are the following:

  1. Hover over the option cómputo sheetsin the upper right bar of the screen.

  1. In the dropdown that you will have before you, you must clic on Exchange Account (Deposit and withdrawal) which refers to the deposit and withdrawal options.

  1. Within Exchange Accountyou must clic on Deposit.

  1. Now you will have before you deposit options What this platform offers you:

  • Select network or Chain through which the shipment will be made.

  • Press on button Send Deposit Addressso that you perro be shown the address you are looking for.

  1. Then you must clic on Confirm in the pop-up boxes that will appear, as they are of an important nature.

  1. Finally, you would be given visibility of the required direction. you perro copy clicking on the button that indicates it (Copy Address).

Thus, you would already have in your possession the key to make the deposit of cryptocurrencies from Coinbase to Huobi. It’s just a matter of now showing up at Coinbase to continue the process.

Entrar the address of the cryptocurrency in Coinbase

Already inside Coinbasethen what you have to do to complete the sending of Cryptos to Huobi, is entrar the address of the copied crypto and attach some other data.

To do this you must take some steps:

  1. Locate and press on of the previously chosen cryptocurrency in Huobi.

  1. On the page of that crypto, clic on the option send/receivein the upper right corner.

  1. In it Send and Receive box cryptos (which already appears by default in the mode Send), you have to add some data:

  • entrar the amount to spend in your primary currency or choose to send everything on the indicated button.

  • paste the address to which you will send cryptos to Huobi.

  • Send a messageif you wish, it is something optional.

  • Keep selected the type of cryptocurrency that you have to send, then, it must always agree with the one that has been established to receive in Huobi.

With all this data attached, you could already clic on Continue.

  1. Finally, you will be given a transaction preview to execute, in a new box. In it you will be able to see and reconsider everything that you have already entered. If you agree with everything, then you could already clic on Send now.

Meanwhile, in a short period of 30 minutes maximum, your cryptos sent from your Coinbase account to your Huobi accountthey would reach their destination without any problem.

Without any trace of doubt, send cryptocurrency from Coinbase to HuobiIt doesn’t have any complications. It is only a matter of obtaining the address of the crypto within Huobi and entering it in your Coinbase wallet. With that, you would already have new cryptos in your Huobi account to use them in the way you prefer.

Vídeo-Tutorial of the process of sending cryptos from Coinbase to Huobi

But, if for some reason, you do have any doubts, then this vídeo will help you clear them up:

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 How to Send Cryptocurrency from Coinbase to Huobi  How to Send Cryptocurrency from Coinbase to Huobi  How to Send Cryptocurrency from Coinbase to Huobi

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