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How to Send Cryptocurrencies from BINANCE to

How to Send Cryptocurrencies from BINANCE to

Sending cryptos from one Wallet to another is not a complicated thing. So, if you have Ethereum on Binance, but you need to transfer it to Metamask, this is your opportunity to learn how to do it, because this article will be answering the question how to send cryptocurrency from Binance to Metamask?

But before you start, you need to log in to your respective accounts within these platforms to better follow the step by step that will be described below.

Steps to send crypto from Binance to Metamask in 2023

Having logged into your Binance account, you perro then use the Metamask extension for Google chrome or any other browser you use and thus log in to that platform through said extension.

Search in Metamask for the ETH address to send from Binance

precisely, it is in Metamask from where the process of this shipment begins. You have to log into your account to get ETH address that you need to backlink and send between one wallet and another. You will carry out this process as follows:

  1. Within Metamask, you must clic on the option of ethereum.

In ethereumyou have to Clic on Buy.

  1. Of the several options that are given to you to deposit in this section, you will choose the option Deposit Ether directlythat you get it underneath everything and you must clic to your button See account.

  1. Doing that, you will finally be shown the Ethereum address what you are looking for and need to take it to Binance and complete the shipment. just enough that pulses above the indicated button so that it is copied to the clipboard.

Now, leaving Metamask aside, you could already go to Binance to entrar that address and finish the process.

Go to Binance to finalize the sending of ETH to Metamask

Inside Binanceit is necessary that you paste the Ethereum address that you have obtained in Metamask. You will do that in the following way:

  1. Direct and hover your cursor on the option Wallet, at the top right of the main screen of your account.

  1. Within the dropdown that opens, you must clic on Fiat and Spot (Deposit & Withdraw).

  1. In this section, by default you are given the options to deposit to the bank. But since what is going to happen is cryptocurrencies, then you must clic on Withdraw cryptos (withdraw cryptos), in the upper right corner.

  1. Now yes, in this section that is for Withdraw cryptos from Binance, It will now be possible for you to indicate and entrar the corresponding data:

  • Select the currency from Ethereum (it is not by default, but you perro change it in the selector).

  • Choose New addresswhich is to establish that it is a new address.

  • Job the address of your ETH in the respective section.

Important: You must be very careful when doing this, because if the other wallet does not support the network you are using, you may lose your assets, and Binance is not responsible for such errors.

Important: preferably, this amount should be higher than the cost of the current commission, otherwise you would spend a lot for it.

After all, you cánido clic Withdraw (Withdraw).

  1. What remains now, probably, and depending on how you have adjusted the security of your Binance account, is to verify all this information in another box and if you agree with all of them, make the respective Confirmation.

As you may have noticed, the process of send ETH from Binance to Metamask It is extremely fácil: you entrar Metamask, copy the ETH address, paste it into Binance, send and that’s it.

In short, you would already have your new cómputo in Ethereum cryptos inside your wallet in Metamask to now do what you want with them.

Vídeo-Tutorail of the process of Sending Binance Cryptocurrencies to Metamask in 2023

For more information on the subject, we leave you the following explanatory vídeo that explains it in more detail:

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