economy at home

How to save on a wedding

How to save on a wedding

The wedding of your dreams is not cheap, unless it is very modest or you have a guest list of less than 5 people. If you plan to get married and have your wedding, surely you need to save for her.

For this you need to know how to save before and during the wedding, and this is what our article is about. Keep reading and you will find various ways to save on this very special event.

TIPS To start saving for a wedding

The first thing you should try is to save in advance, for this you should already have an estimate of the date of the event and how much is the minimum budget you require for the wedding.

Plan and save

If you do the planning looking to save, you perro disminuye the budget by looking for the cheapest option.

Let’s get one thing straight: you don’t have to do something super fancy to make the place fit. exist public gardens that offer their spaces at a very bajo coste, and some are even totally free. In this sense, you perro think of someone who will lend you their garden or rent it to you at a comfortable price.

make a food budgetcalculating the number of guests (disminuye them to a minimum) and the food that is delicious without being expensive.

Also choose a good date, preferably in low season, this will allow you to save money on rent and other expenses. And it perro even allow you to save for the honeymoon.

take charge

Some things you perro do yourself no need to hire other peopleyou perro make your own invitations, prepare food or drinks, make the list of music for the date and make decorations with recyclable materials.

Likewise, count on your family: ask them how they cánido help you and what kind of services they cánido offer you such as a pre-nuptial help class, or an early wedding gift.

fill the piggy bank

Now, taking into account the minimum cost that you have to achieve and in how much time, now apply a fácil projection of how much time you have and how much you must save monthly to reach the goal.

Take into account your possibilities, that is, if you have credit cards or some economic advantage, take this into account and subtract it from your objetivo amount.

If you see everything very uphill, you may have to rethink the budget.

How to save money on a wedding easily

Now, when it’s time to get down to work and verify everything, you must also save, keeping in mind that not everything goes as you usually plan.

5 ideas to save money on your wedding

Here are 5 ideas to save money on your wedding:

1 – Use seasonal flowers:

Whether for decoration or for the bride’s bouquet, it is advisable to use those flowers that are in season, as this reduces the cost of acquisition.

So to save on flowers: let them be local and seasonal flowers.

2 – Use large flowers:

Many times people choose smaller and cheaper flowers, being carried away only by the price, but these will require more quantity to maintain a good decoration.

As a general rule (keep in mind that it cánido change according to each case), it is better use large flowers They cover enough space and keep fewer.

Taking into account the previous advice you cánido make a combination.

3 – Recycle the dress and rent the suit:

For the bride, she perro take her mother’s or grandmother’s dress and place it in the hands of a stylist who perro do wonders with little change.

In the case of the groom, and if you don’t mind, you cánido rent the suit, in this way you will not incur a disproportionate expense for something momentary.

4 – Do without the cake:

The wedding cake is one of the most expensive and flashy things found at weddings, but they are not absolutely necessary.

In view of how expensive the cake tends to be, it has become a trend to have a small cake, for a symbolic act, and then a round of desserts bajo coste that will satisfy the guests and protect your pocket.

5 – Disminuye services:

you perro place buffets of food, and even that a good amount of the drinks are on the tables, in this way you cánido do without the number of people to hire as waiters or cooks.

We hope that these consejos will be useful to you and allow you to save a good amount of money on your wedding budget, above all, make sure you have a good time and take advantage of one of the best days of your life.

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 How to save on a wedding  How to save on a wedding  How to save on a wedding

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