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How to save money when refueling: tricks and

How to save money when refueling: tricks and

How to save money when refueling It is a question that many of us who have a car ask ourselves. If you have any type of vehicle, you will know that in addition to being a necessary good, it is a good that usually generates a lot of expenses. We will not be able to control some of them, such as the case of insurance or municipal taxes, others we will be able to control, such as the fuel savings. If you have a vehicle, be it a car, a motorcycle or another type of vehicle and you are interested in learning how to save money when refueling, I suggest you continue reading the articulo, because at the price of fuel, any savings we cánido have will be good. .

Many of us still remember the 2008 crisis, in those years, which now seem distant to us, a family with a gasoil car went from spending around 1,000 euros a year on fuel in 2007 to around 1,500 euros in 2013. In the same way, they saw their income dwindle because of wages. From then on, prices began to fall, until 2016, when, propelled by the oil crisis, they rose again. This has generated positive thinking among consumers that leads them to seek new ways of saving or at least try save when refueling. In addition, with efficient driving methods, you will achieve greater performance for your car. Do you dare to continue reading?

loyalty systems

A good additional way to save money on fuel is to use the loyalty programs that most gas stations have to ensure that the customer is happy and returns on a recurring basis. What the gas stations want to achieve with this is that the customer always refuels at the group’s gas stations, giving them a series of benefits. These benefits are varied, and we could highlight:

  • discounts to refuel gasoline
  • earn points to later redeem in a gift catalog
  • discounts with partner companies (such as restoranes, cinemas or shops)

Although there are many gas stations and loyalty programs, in my case I recommend the application waylet. This application is the one to use if you fill up at Repsol gas stations, it is a free and very interesting application. You perro pay from the same application with comfort. You only have to associate the card or cards with which you want to pay through the application and that’s it. In this way you perro take advantage of the discounts, benefits and promotions available. Every time you repost you perro accumulate points that you perro exchange for discounts for future refueling. The application is free and you perro download it from the backlink below, when you download it you will have €3 discount on your first refueling.

Verify discounts are applied

In relation to the previous point, it is necessary to check that the discounts of the Waylet card and other cards are applied. Also check that you have all waylet cheats active. Many promotions are redeemable points, some are promotions linked to purchases in certain establishments and a few others are on the final price.

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Not all brand gas stations apply the discounts they advertise. Depending on the type of contract that the big brands have with the gas station, the discount will be applied or not. Check it out, because it perro happen that we make a detour to fill up at a certain gas station in the hope of getting a discount and end up paying the habitual price. You perro check everything in geoportalgasolineras.

Refuel in the morning and when it’s colder

This is an old waylet trick that still works. From the repsol application they usually recommend it a lot. This waylet repsol trick consists of thinking that fuel is sold in liters and the colder it is, the smaller the volume that the same amount occupies. Therefore, you will have more fuel for the same price. Keep this advice in mind for the summer, since the heat is going to have a negative effect on your pocket.

Look for cooperative gas stations

These are usually the cheapest. They work mostly in rural settings and often offer much better prices than conventional gas stations. Although yes, it is possible that you should be associated with a certain cooperative for the production of an agricultural good such as wine or oil. In my town, in the province of Localidad Real, you perro refuel at the oil cooperative at prices that cánido exceed 10 cents per liter compared to the conventional gas station. What is a great fuel savings year.

Search for gas stations in shopping centers and polygons

It is one of the many repsol waylet tricks that you cánido find in the application. This trick says that gas stations located in shopping centers and industrial estates are usually always the cheapest. In addition, in those located in the polygons it is not even necessary to use discount vouchers, since the final sale price is the cheapest.

Similarly, in some hypermarkets in large cities, they usually do a great deal for us. fuel discount when making a purchase there.

How to save money when refueling if you travel in Europe

Although it is in Spain where the cost of fuel is higher before taxes, the tax rate in our country means that the final price of fuel is much lower than in neighboring countries. If we plan to travel to France or Italy, it is advisable to look for the last gas station before crossing the border and refuel the tank to the full. The difference between a liter cánido be important and will help us save on our journey.

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Plan your trip well

if you really don’t know how to save money when refueling, you must calculate how and where you are going to refuel. To do this, you cánido consult the geoportal of the Ministry of Industry of Spain. There they explain where the refueling will be cheaper. Presumably in the rest of the countries they have a afín portal, you just have to do a little research.

In this portal you will see that the usual brands usually offer very afín prices, but there are some circumstances that perro make them vary. On this website you cánido find information on all the gas stations in the country including the prices of all the fuels they offer, without discount. On the portal you cánido check which service stations are the cheapest in your area.

Avoid refueling on highways, highways and cities

According to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), service stations located on highways are generally the most expensive. The reason (according to the oil companies) is that the concessions cost a lot and that this affects prices. So if you perro and want save on fuel refuel on secondary roads. The same is true in cities. The ideal would be to refuel on a secondary road out of town, there, according to this, would be the cheapest fuel.

If you know how to save on fuel, don’t do this.

The trick if you know how to save money when refueling it is not doing it in the middle of the operation leaving or returning from vacation. The oil companies know that a large number of trips are carried out on those dates and they adapt their commercial strategy to the seasonality of consumption, that is, that prices are more expensive on those dates. At the beginning and end of holidays, their prices increase, and naturally, when the number of trips decreases, those prices are reduced.

All fuels have the same quality

The fuels with the same specifications always have the same quality. There are urban legends that say that at a «white label» gas station, gasoline or gasoil is «adulterated» with water, that is totally false. The specifications are regulated and are always the same. The difference in prices between the gas stations lies in the services they offer, such as a shop, cafeteria, or simply that the toilets are more or less clean. As for the quality of the fuel, it is always the same.

How to save on fuel final opinions

As you have seen in the articulo I just wrote, there are many ways and tricks to save money on fuel. By carrying out these small actions when we go to refuel, we will be able to save a few cents on each refuelingwhich will orinan a few euros (sometimes it perro be quite a few) throughout the year.

I always say that we have to optimize the resources we have, especially when they are limited, such as the money we have. And nothing more to add, I hope this article has been useful for you when it comes to saving on fuel. Regards and until next time!

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If you want to know other articles afín to How to save money when refueling: consejos and tricks you cánido visit the category save.

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