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How to register in Kraken step by step

How to register in Kraken step by step

Are you looking for a guide to open an account on the Kraken cryptocurrency platform? Well, here we bring you this articulo where you cánido learn how to sign up for kraken Step by Stepa recognized digital wallet in the ámbito.

First of all, you must entrar the registration page (Sign up) from the Kraken wallet, and you cánido do it by clicking here.

Important: The backlink may not direct you to the registration page automatically, but to the Kraken home page. You must locate and press the button Getting Started (usually on the left of the screen) to go to that registration page.

What are the steps to sign up for Kraken?

Already inside the registration page, the step by step that you must follow to sign up for kraken is as described below:

  • You will have before you a box titled “Create your account” where you should entrar:
    • An dirección de correo electrónico
    • A Name of usuario
    • A Password with, no less than 12 digits (preferably made of alphanumeric characters, including upper and lower case)
    • You country of residence
    • And, finally, you must, obligatorily, accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Policywhich, it is recommended that you read carefully beforehand.

Having filled in everything, you will give clic to the button Create an account to continue.

  • Next, another box (this time titled Activate account) informs you that a message has been sent to you. message to correo electrónico that you linked to the Kraken account. There you will find the clue of activation that said box asks you to entrar.

you shall to access to you account of correo electrónico (recommended in another tab) to locate the message with that key. This should appear in the section Major from the inbox. To be able to locate it there:

    • go to section Furtherin the sidebar
    • Within Furtherlocate the section All
    • In the section Allyou should see at the top of the list the message from Kraken with your activation key. You open it and look for the activation backlinkto which, you must give him clic

It will open in a new tab activation of your new Kraken account and, in this way, you would already have your account created.

What else needs to be done after activating a Kraken account?

In the world of financial platforms with cryptocurrencies, it is common for you to be asked for certain requirements to verify and ensure your newly opened account. In the case of Kraken it is no different. Next, once your new Kraken account is activated, you will be given several options to optimize the use you are going to make of it:

  • Verify your accountto for Cryptocurrencies
  • deposit money in your account
  • secure your account

Talking a little about each of them:

Verify your account for Kraken cryptocurrency

Once you entrar this section, you will see a box titled Account Features and Limitswhich consists of providing verification information in order to obtain more functions and higher limits.

  • Level Essentialwhere you only have to provide your personal information
  • He Intermediatewhich asks you for a national identity document
  • And the Prowhich asks you to provide financial information

Deposit Funds into your Kraken Account

Section that allows you to make your respective deposits which, logically, will be necessary when making your crypto purchases in the Kraken wallet.

Secure your Kraken account

which is nothing other than enable two-step verification as a system that gives you two layers of security. And, currently, the vast majority of digital platforms have implemented it to guarantee the security and privacy of their users’ accounts.

Basically, this consists of using the mobile that you have linked to your account or, an application, where you will get security codes that you must add, apart from your password when logging into your Kraken account or, when making an important transaction in it.

other settings

Now to finish, we will talk about one last small aspect, but it is still of interest, which is the button where you perro do various settings (such as changing registration information, etcétera). It is located in the upper right corner of the screen and with your Nombre de usuario. In this you will find settings options such as:

  • settings
  • Security
  • get verified
  • Sign off

As described here, it is easy open a kraken account, this renowned cryptocurrency platform. And in this article, developed so that you perro guide yourself when opening your new account, we have provided you with all the pertinent information that will surely be very useful to you.

We hope you liked our article How to register in Kraken step by step
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 How to register in Kraken step by step  How to register in Kraken step by step  How to register in Kraken step by step

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