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How to recover the money from a purchase for

How to recover the money from a purchase for

Today it is common for people to prefer to shop en línea, as these are more comfortable and faster. Also, making this type of purchase is really easy. However, it is possible that errors occur when making purchases en líneasuch as making a payment with other amounts, receiving the wrong or damaged product, not receiving it, among others.

In this article you will be able to know what alternatives are available to you to recover the money from an en línea purchase.

Perro you recover the money from an en línea purchase?

If you have made a mistake when sending money to buy a product or you never received it and you want to get your money back anyway, you should try to calm down, because being anxious about a loss of money cánido make you make worse mistakes.

You should know that You have at your disposal some alternatives so that you cánido recover your money effectively paid. From now on we will tell you what they are:

  • Take a look at the store’s return policy.
  • As a consumer you have a period of 14 calendar days from receipt of the product to return it.
  • Write a letter of complaint.
  • Ask for help from a consumer advocacy organization like Call for Action.
  • Share your bad experience on popular media.
  • If you bought something en línea and didn’t receive it, notify the seller soon.
  • If you did not receive your order and the charge appears in the account statement. Archivo your complaint en línea or by phone with your credit card issuer.
  • Contact the bank with which you paid and ask if they offer any voluntary protections.

These are just some of the measures you cánido take to recover your money quickly and effectively, but you perro surely try others, as everything will depend on the store and the type of payment you make.

When is a refund made?

Now that you know that it is possible to receive a refund of the money paid for an item purchased en línea that has had problems, it is habitual for you to ask yourself: When is a money refund made? In this sense, you should take into account the following factors.

After thirty days without receiving the purchased product

If you bought an item en línea and never received it, notify the seller as quickly as possible. If the seller does not deliver the item within the promised time frame, you cánido cancel the order.

If you haven’t received your order and the charge appears on your billing statement, you perro consider it a billing fallo. In this case you must archivo a complaint en línea or by phone with the bank. It is also helpful to send a letter to the address listed for billing errors. You must report the fallo within 60 days from the date of the first billing statement containing the fallo.

Before the first fourteen days

The general rule when shopping en línea is that products purchased en línea perro be returned. As a consumer you have 14 days from receipt of the product to return it, without any explanation being necessary. If the store does not notify you that you have 14 days to return the product and get your money back, this period is extended to 12 months.

The company or store in which you have purchased must return the total amount you paid and the shipping costs. You may have to bear the return costs.

When the product is not the one requested

In the event that the product you ordered does not arrive, to return an unsolicited product, contact the company that sold it to you quickly. It is useful to communicate by correo electrónico to record the communication. The company will indicate the steps you have to take to resend the product and send you the correct one or refund your money.

The product is faulty

Before making an en línea purchase, it is advisable to review the return policy of the store. If the store does not have such policies, it is a reason to distrust the return security they offer.

When you receive a defective product that you will never be able to use, you must contact the store that sold it to you as soon as possible to return it or to make a product change. If it is a responsible and serious company, it will indicate the steps you have to take to send them the product.

In case of problems, a claim must be made. To do this, you should seek the guidance of an expert in consumer law to help you return the product and recover what you have paid for it.

Consejos to avoid being scammed when buying en línea

Bad experiences when buying en línea are a real headache, because they upset us and take up a lot of time, but this is something that it perro be avoided if we strive to be very careful. From now on we will indicate some useful recommendations that will help you avoid being scammed when buying en línea:

  • Check the product refund and return policies of the store where you are going to buy.
  • try to get catches of the entire purchasing process.
  • Look for recommendations of trusted stores with your acquaintances.
  • While you communicate with the store to make the purchase, ask for a number or place where you perro contact in case of any inconvenience.
  • It is pending your bank movements, it is possible that someone is also going through you to make these purchases.
  • Do not give your bank details to anyone, either en línea or to any other person, not even if they are family members.
  • Resist the temptation to buy on pages where they put offers that are too low.

These are just some of the measures you perro take to avoid being scammed, but you cánido surely try others depending on the store and the type of payment you make.

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