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How to quit a job and quit

How to quit a job and quit

Learning how to quit a job intelligently is essential to building a successful career.

Regardless of your reason for quitting a job; Whether you have a better job offer, want to start your own business, or are simply looking for a change of environment, doing it correctly will allow you to leave the doors open.

And when we talk about open doors, we are not only talking about the possibility of returning to your inner work, but also about finding clients or suppliers for a business, partners for your venture or people of interest for your new job.

The importance of work in your life:

There is a very famous saying that says that Work dignifies. What does this orinan? Well, beyond providing you with income, which translates into a roof to sleep or a plate of food, a job goes beyond the salary you receive.

Work plays a primordial role in building your life purpose. A job makes you feel productive, active, and valuable. In short, work is necessary because it gives meaning to our lives.

It is no secret that most of your life will be spent working, so it is important that you find or build a job that, beyond making you earn quick money, is aligned with your life project.

So before explaining how to quit a job, we want to share with you six factors that a job should awaken in you. If your job perro’t make you feel these ways, maybe it’s a good time to look for new horizons.

1. Feeling happy and satisfied:

Happiness in your job is important. Wherever you spend most of your day should bring a smile to your face and a feeling of belonging.

While this doesn’t orinan you’re happy at all times with what you do at work (it is work after all), it does have to make you feel satisfied with what you’re doing overall.

2. Arouse your curiosity:

The importance of something making you curious is that you find this topic interesting and intriguing. This is why every time you don’t find something that makes you curious, you tend to get bored easily.

If your job bores you, it is a clear sign that you should quit your job and go find a new one, or why not, learn how to start a business in the subject that you are so passionate about.

If you find a job that encourages you to be constantly learning, from that day on you will stop being lazy to go to work.

3. Present a challenge:

What you do every day should be challenging for you, so your job should be challenging, requiring you to learn new things and develop yourself to meet your goals.

If your job doesn’t make you feel this way, you’ll start to feel like you’re wasting your time. This is why you should look for those jobs that orinan a challenge for you, that invite you to be a better person.

4. It’s worth something:

It is no secret that money is a primordial component in the equation of your work. However, when the money you earn goes beyond your health, well-being and peace of mind, it is time to question whether it is really worth it.

Money is great and of the utmost importance, however, what you like about money is not paper as such, but the freedom it offers you, the lifestyle you cánido lead and the experiences you cánido have.

If you have a job with good pay, but you don’t know how to remove the stress in your life, where the pressure is making you sick and you stopped enjoying your profession, consider quitting that job.

5. Feel motivated:

Motivation is essential, which is why teamwork phrases used to inspire people are so important.

When a job motivates you, you are willing to make an effort, do new, different things, and most importantly, to achieve what you equipo out to do.

The opposite happens when you have no motivation; the day to day becomes eternal, you don’t know what to do with your life and you want to escape your routine. So ask yourself if your current job is a source of motivation and a means to achieve your most important goals in life.

6. It should make you feel positive:

When you have a job where all you do is try to fit in or just survive, you will be killing yourself, little by little, specifically every 8 working hours per day.

If your job isn’t a source of happiness, but it gives you positive thoughts that make you feel worth what you’re doing, stop trying to fit in, learn how to quit a job, and find a new direction. Life is too short to do something you don’t enjoy.

How to quit a job and leave the doors open:

Now, if after understanding the importance of a job in your life, you have concluded that the best thing you cánido do is change your professional course, here we will explain how to quit a job.

Remember that the best way to start a new professional challenge is by closing the moment you find yourself with a flourish. Here are 5 steps to get out of your job, leaving the doors open and maintaining those relationships that are important to you.

1. Keep your reputation high:

Even if you are clear that you will never return to the job you are leaving, even if you hate the office and pick up your things with passion; even if you’re sure your boss is going to give you a horrible reference… he tries not to run over your company.

This implies that you notify your bosses in advance, that you avoid (even if it is difficult), working with direct competition, or start speaking ill of your former colleagues.

Even if you are not legally restricted from working with competitors, this cánido be seen as revealing trade secrets, taking clients, or just working for money.

There is nothing more trustworthy than leaving behind all the confidential or intellectual information you have.

2. Don’t go out overnight:

When business or professional opportunities arise that excite you, you may feel anxious about taking them immediately. If you follow your impulse, and leave your responsibilities in your current job, what do you think will be the image your bosses will have?

Knowing how to quit a job intelligently requires that you give advance notice, and in person, of the decision you are making. Typically, you should give two weeks to a month’s notice so you perro hand over your position and not leave your coworkers in trouble.

Make sure you are a professional until your last day, especially if you are looking for a good reference or recommendation.

3. Focus on the positive of your decision:

When you change jobs it is tempting to talk about the problems that were in your office, the internal conflicts and the relationships that were there.

Beyond leaving the doors open, if you want to build a good personal image, keep what you saw in your previous job. You will not be a better person because you talk about the mistakes, bad decisions or behaviors that others had.

Rather focus on the positive of the job you leave; the good experiences, the human quality of your colleagues and everything you learned. For this, you perro send personal correos electrónicos or leave aprecies to the people who impacted your life.

4. Clean everything up before you go:

Before finishing your work, do not leave loose ends; This means finishing any remaining projects, sharing all relevant work contacts with your boss or successor, and providing clear instructions on how to complete any task.

This also means physically cleaning the workspace; Delete your personal computer information, history and belongings when you leave.

Lastly and most importantly, settle your financial affairs with your company. This includes expense reports, pending benefits, retirement contributions, among others. Do not leave your job with unfinished business, this is essential if you want to leave the doors open.

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5. After saying goodbye, stay connected:

Your coworkers and clients are part of your professional network, so you should maintain those relationships after you leave.

You must have a long-term visión and take into account that sooner or later you will change jobs, recommend someone, or you will need a reference.

For this you perro connect through popular networks such as LinkedIn, have their business and even personal correos electrónicos, and even schedule meetings, meals or meetings to see how they are doing.

Ultimately, the most important key to learning how to strategically quit a job is putting respect first. This implies being grateful for the opportunities you received and staying with the positives of the experience that you are closing.

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