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How to protect your Coinbase account

How to protect your Coinbase account

If you are a Coinbase usuario, it is very likely that you want to increase the security of your account and, you may wonder how you cánido achieve it. Well, very easy. In this articulo you will be explained how to protect your coinbase account; provide maximum security.

Before anything else, you first have to gain access to your Coinbase account to be able to start the process, as is proper.

Access the Coinbase security sections

To do this, you will have to take the following steps:

  • Go to the upper right corner of your screen where it is located your name and your logotipo (if you have the latter configured) and you clic.
  • Choose the option Setting in the dropdown menu that will appear.
  • Next, you will see a page with different options in a top bar (the configuration section). To configure security aspects, the options that interest you among all these are the following:
    • Profile
    • Security
    • Privacy

Below you will be given a detailed description of all of them:

Your profile

Concerning what is the protection of your account, your Profile it allows you Change passwordin case you want or need to do so.

A password will be truly secure if its structure is accompanied, not only by letters (upper and lower case), but also other characters, such as numbers and symbols (alphanumeric password). In this way your access code will be strong and will provide greater security to your account.

But this is not all you cánido do to strengthen the security of your Coinbase account. As already mentioned, there are still two more sections to talk about, and the following is the most important:


With total certainty it perro be said that this is the section with the most content in relation to the topic in question. In it you have several options:

  • Equipo up your phone number. Of course, you already have that fixed from the moment you registered with Coinbase, but, if for major reasons you need to update it, you perro do it here (you just have to go to Manageright there in that section).
  • Activate 2-Step Verification. Which you cánido do both by text message, as by the authentication application or, by the security key:
    • By Text message. It is that a text message will arrive on your phone with a code every time you log in from a computer that is not your usual computer or, from your usual computer, but without having the «Keep me logged in» box activated, and you must entrar that codeapart from your password and correo electrónico, in order to gain access to your account.
    • By Authenticator Aplicación. As recommended by the same page, this option gives you greater security, since it consists of (through an authenticator installed on your mobile and linked to your account) obtaining a code that restarts every 10 seconds, which you will be asked to access your account.
    • By Security key. Since it is a safer setting, but a little more complex, which, in case you want to use it, it is recommended to investigate it thoroughly.

And at the bottom of this page, you will see a subject very important where it says in a title:

  • Use two-step verification to secure your transactions. And this is nothing more than configuring two-step verification when sending cryptocurrencies to other wallets, with the first box (“Any amount of cryptocurrencies”) being the most secure, while the second (“Never”) it is less secure. Choosing the firstit will be practically impossible for third parties to break into your assets inside your account.

Once you have fixed everything that is the security of your account, you will clic on the save button.

Finally, it remains to detalla the last option that you have to continue providing protection to your account, and it is about:


in which you perro do requests for your data legal to Coinbase, subject to the rights granted to you by the Privacy Policy and the Cookies policy of the platform, which you are recommended to read completely.

Well, just as it has been described to you, it is easy equipo up your Coinbase account security. There is no kind of mystery in this especial, it is just a matter of carefully following the guide that has been provided to you through this information, which we hope will be very useful.

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