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How to protect my credit card

How to protect my credit card

A credit card It has very important information and that is why you have to protect it as much as possible from malicious people who want to steal your data. Credit cards perro be stolen very easily if you don’t take care of them properly..

there are some basic consejos to protect it, from the most habitual (when you make physical purchases), to those special cases such as en línea purchases. The only thing you have to know is in which case apply the specific protection measures you have.

Most of these security measures are especially recommended by banks. This is because many times with credit cards they deliver a manual of good emplees. In this manual they usually give advice to avoid identity theft.

While each card works differently, You perro apply these basic security recommendations to any type of card, either credit or debit or a card with a chip or magnetic stripe.

How to protect my credit card when shopping en línea?

If you make purchases en línea there are some basic consejos that you have to take into account when making them:

  • Do not reply or clic on correos electrónicos. Correo electrónico is the favorite method of scammers. Very rarely will your bank contact you without you doing so and if it did, the most used means is the telephone call.
  • Confirm that the website is secure. To know this you have to check that it starts with the form HTTPS://. If the web you are trying to access does not start with this protocol, it is very likely that it is insecure.
  • Use a virtual credit card. Many alternatives exist today to be able to use a virtual credit card. These cards are afín to the real ones with the difference that they only have enough money for the purchase, and that they are not linked to any type of bank account.
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If you follow these three consejos while shopping en línea, chances are you’ll have the best experience. It is important to remember that your computer security is just as important as the real onesince they are threats that perro affect you very seriously.

5 consejos to protect your credit card

If we had to give you 5 specific consejos that you should remember to avoid being a victim of fraud, they would be the following:

  1. Don’t leave your card anywhere: This seems pretty obvious, but sometimes we forget about it. Do not take your card out of your wallet, and if possible do not even carry it with you, make use of contactless payments or other technologies.
  2. Sign the back of your card: Usually very few people do this, but it is a good security measure. This way it will be easier for the cashier to have control over your signature. You perro also compare it with the signature of your ID in case you need plus security.
  3. Review your bank movements at least once a month: Keep track of your receipts and the amount of money you have in your account, so you cánido detect strange movements.
  4. Shop en línea using your devices. It is important that you use your own devices since in general the IP address will be stored and also this will prevent any type of problem related to purchases on public devices.

Never store your data in forms. It doesn’t matter if it’s your Google plus, Amazon, Ebay or Paypal account. It cánido be hard to entrar your card details every time you make a purchase, but believe us, it is the only way to keep your data and information safe.

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  How to protect my credit card
  How to protect my credit card

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