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How to pay Receipts through the Cashier

How to pay Receipts through the Cashier

In the past, ATMs had two specific functions: showing the amount of money in the account and being able to withdraw it in the form of bills, but today it is possible to carry out all kinds of transactions through them. We are going to espectáculo you how to pay bills at the tellerwhich is one of the most useful features of ATMs today.

How to pay cash receipts by the ATM in 2023?

ATMs installed throughout Spain and the world today They have multiple functionsthat is, you will not only be able to see the money available in your account and withdraw it, but you will also be able to pay bills, bills, update your personal information and even transfer money to your account or another by inserting bills into it.

You perro easily pay bills by entering your debit card, with your book, entering the bills in the slot provided for it or without any of these documents if your bank allows it.

There are two ways in which you cánido carry out the bill payment process, vía barcode reader from the ATM or typing all the numbers that appear in it by means of the physical keyboard of the ATM.

When this process is finished, the ATM issues a receipt for the transaction, but it cánido also be sent to your address, to your mobile phone (vía mensaje de texto), by dirección de correo electrónico or by detailed receipt as proof of payment.

The general process that is carried out in all ATMs is as follows:

  • Entrar the data to log in in your bank account or introduce your debit card and entrar your password.
  • Select the «payment» option or “payment of receipts or services”.
  • Does the ATM have a barcode reader? place this in front of the reader so they cánido read it and so the data is recognized automatically, otherwise it would be necessary to entrar the receipt numbers with the help of the alphanumeric keyboard.
  • Select payment methodif it is with cash, card, passbook or without a physical document (in some ATMs the option of cash or passbook may not be available if it is not an advanced ATM).
  • now alone just make the payment with one of these methods and wait for the proof of it.
  • You perro select if you want the operation you be notified by mensaje de texto, correo electrónico or by direct debit.

How to pay bills at the ATM with a card?

Through this method you cánido make the payment of receipts by the cashier with a debit card. They are very fácil, but you must follow them to the letter.

Pay bills at Banco Santander ATM

Paying bills with this bank is very fácil and consists of less than 10 steps:

  • Entrar the Debit
  • dial the key PIN
  • Select «Recharges, Payments and Others
  • Select «Payment of Bills
  • Place the barcode near the reader panel barcode as indicated by the cashier.
  • If the information on the receipt is correct, press «Yeah
  • Remove the transaction receipt and then the debit card.

If the receipt you are trying to pay does not have a barcode then in the fifth point you must select «Manual payment” and then entrar the data of the receipt such as the entity that issues it, reference number, identification and the amount in euros that it exposes.

Pay bills with a CaixaBank ATM

With CaixaBank it is much easier to pay receipts since the option is found on the main screen of the ATM:

  • Choose «Payments
  • Choose «Barcode payment
  • Put the barcode of the receipt in front of the ATM’s barcode reader.
  • Choose «confirm

Bill payment with a BBVA or Bankia ATM

In the event that you come across an ATM BBVA either Bankia the method to pay a bill is afín in both cases:

Entrar your debit card or select “Operations without debit card” if you are going to make the payment in cash (requires multifunctional cashier).

  • If you pay with a debit card entrar your PIN.
  • Choose «Payments
  • Choose «Receipts, Titles and Taxes”.
  • Choose «With payment document” to obtain the proof of the same after the transaction.
  • Passes the receipt code in front of the reader ATM codes
  • Choose «Pay
  • If you will make the payment with cash entrar the bills in the respective slot of the ATMIf, on the other hand, the payment is made with a debit card, you will only have to wait until the payment is made from your bank account.

How to pay the 790 Fee at the ATM?

To pay the 790 rate with the ATM, the process is very afín to the ones we have already explained to you before, it is just a matter of choosing the option “Payment of taxes and services” and choose the type of service to pay and manually entrar the code found on the fee receipt.

Undoubtedly, electronic teller machines make things much easier for us when carrying out a large number of procedures that, although they could be done through a teller at the bank’s ticket office, it is much easier and more comfortable to do semi-automatically.

Have you understood how to make payments vía electronic teller machine? If you have any questions we cánido help you in the process.

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 How to pay Receipts through the Cashier  How to pay Receipts through the Cashier  How to pay Receipts through the Cashier

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