How to open your en línea store in Wix for free (5
How to open your en línea store in Wix for free (5
most of my family has dedicated to business and while neither exactly has something very big, it’s more than enough to lead a good life.
I also have that soul of an entrepreneur, and I have always wanted to have my own business so as not to depend on a boss, and be the one who decides How much is my work worth and how much do I want to earn?
But there was one thing I didn’t count on: to start a business, You have to have money to start it.
So my dream of wanting to equipo up my own store stayed like that, a fácil dream that seemed more and more distant.
At some point in my Internet search, I began to know pages like Mercadolibre or Etsy, that allow you to sell elementos for a certain commission, all safe but having the need to use that intermediary.
Since I had many things that I wanted to sell, I decided to give Mercadolibre a try and publish everything that I no longer wanted or that at some point I bought with the intention of reselling it.
Despite the fact that after a few months I began to have quite a few profits and a good experience, in reality I didn’t feel like I had anything of my own it was just a fácil buy and sell.
And to be honest the commissions that Mercadolibre charged me because my sales were getting higher and higher, so the profits weren’t very good.
The iniciativa of wanting my own store was still in my head and now with more force, but I still didn’t have the money to rent a place and the other costs.
That’s when I started looking at forums and weblogs, and I saw that many people who had the same problem as me had solved it. creating an en línea store on the Internet.
Many of them had even generated with their en línea trading enough income to open a physical store. So if they had it, why not me?
And this is when my second problem arrived: I started looking for sites to create my en línea store, but either they were too expensive for me (I had to pay a membership every month), or I needed to have complex web design knowledge to do my en línea business.
I was already beginning to think that I would never get it when one day, while watching a fácil Youtube vídeo, an advertisement appeared in which they talked about a platform called Wix where could create my store in less than 10 minutes just with a few clicks.
I was already desperate because I wanted to start my own business as soon as possible, so I gave it a try, and it is The best decision I’ve ever made in my entire life..
Thanks to Wix, I have my own en línea store running for a year now, I manage it from my computer at home, and I am earning more than $1400 every month with it.
Here I am going to espectáculo you how I made my en línea store with Wix so that you cánido also start yours as soon as possible, and I am going to tell you what its advantages and disadvantages are so that you cánido better escoge if it is the platform that is best for you.
What will you find in this article?
how to create one En línea store on Wix: 5 steps
1. Go to the Wix website
The first thing you need to do to create your en línea store in Wix is go to their website and register.
In Wix you perro create your en línea store completely freeand registering will not take you more than 1 minute.
Once you are on the Wix page, Clic on the «Start Now» button.
2. Sign up free
Once you have entered the Wix website and clicked on the “Get Started” button, the registration form will appear.
You perro create an account with your Fb profile or with your Google plus account, but I I recommend that you do it with your dirección de correo electrónico to be able to better control all the data and information that they send you.
The registration will not take you more than 30 seconds, and the only data you have to write are your dirección de correo electrónico and a password to be able to entrar the platform.
When you’ve finished this, just clic on “Sign Up”and then go to the next page.
3. start creating
As soon as you finish the registration, you perro start to create your site.
On the next screen, you will be asked what type of website you want to create. In this case, you must clic on en línea store.
If at any time you want to experiment or try your luck with some other type of page, you perro also do it with Wix among the options it gives you.
4. Choose the template that you like the most
On the next screen, Wix will espectáculo you all the templates for en línea stores you have.
As you cánido see in the image below, there are designs specially created for all kinds of en línea stores: fashion and clothesjewelry and accessories, arts and crafts, Health & Beautyfood and drink…
All templates are divided between categories and depending on what you are going to sell.
Although if, for example, you want to create an en línea clothing store in Wix, and the template that you liked belongs to health and beauty, there is no problem in choosing that design for your store because you perro easily customize it later.
In my case, I made a fashion and clothing store.
5. Editar and customize your en línea store
Once you choose the template, you cánido start customize it to your liking and preferences.
Absolutely EVERYTHING in the template cánido be edited just by clicking with your mouse and writing what you want to put: text, images, buttons, options, colors and more.
Don’t worry, the panel is pretty straightforward and while I love designing everything from scratch, I didn’t have a lot of experience with that either. when i decided to editar one of the templates.
In addition to being fácil, it is very precise even in the position in which you want certain boxes and how the rest of the information you place in your en línea store will look like.
What surprised me is that it also has a mobile option, so you cánido customize not only how it will look when entrar from a computer but from a cell phone in turn.
Perro review and save changes as many times as you want before taking the big step of publishing or launching your store to light.
Here below I share a vídeo in which you cánido see how easy and fast which is to create an en línea store with Wix.
That methods does Wix support?
Payment methods currently accepted by Wix to collect the orders that your clients make you are several, but it depends on the country you are in as some are not available at all.
In all countries you perro charge through debit or credit card, cash (if you are going to make face-to-face sales), with checkor by wire transfer.
You cánido also receive payments with PayPal if this platform is available in your country.
Other payment methods are Stripe (only for Spain), 2Checkout (available in more than 150 countries), and d-Local (for México).
The good news is that also You cánido receive your payments through MercadoPago (the same platform that is used in MercadoLibre) if you live in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, México, Peru, Uruguay or Venezuela.
However, Wix does not support payments through other habitual platforms such as Payoneer, Neteller, or Skrill.
Advantages by Wix Stores
If you ask me what is the main advantage of Wix, it is that It is very easy to use: You don’t need to know ANYTHING about web design to create your en línea store, and you cánido do it with just your computer and an Internet connection.
There are many pages like Wix Stores and over the past few months, I have come across all that competition who want to get your attention so that you migrate your store to their page.
However, most are paid and to register, I have to start making a small investment, which Wix did not ask me and neither will it with you.
Another advantage would be the ease with which I managed to design my store on-line.
Normally when it comes to «building» a site on the Internet, you think that you should go directly to a programmer to take care of it and that means, more money to invest money you don’t have
While I was explaining how to create your store, I mentioned that everything was very easy to use and design.
You only need to make a few «clicks» and drag options that you like for the design of your store and will be placed immediately in a very fácil way.
But what I liked the most, and in fact, was the first thing that made me escoge to try it, is that it’s perfect for start something of your own without the need for a lot of money.
You already know that a traditional business involves large amounts of money that neither you nor I have but an en línea store is a totally different story and I have verified it this last year.
With that offer that fácil option that it is something free on registration and very economical to be able to sell what you want, is reason enough for me.
To summarize your advantages would:
- Register and create your en línea store they are for free
- You do not need know nothing about web design
- Have various payment methods for all countries
- Count on more than 60 templates to create your en línea store
- you don’t need to do an initial investment to start
Disadvantages by Wix Stores
If you are someone looking for something more advanced or to customize your en línea store to a level where the page itself is totally yours and your programming, you are in the wrong place.
I mentioned to you that one of the advantages of Wix is how easy it is, which means that it is intended for beginners.
But I did not think that practically the whole page is governed for it and not slightly more advanced users.
So if you are a usuario looking for the first paragraph, don’t expect many advanced options in the performance.
For example, you will not be able to access the source code of the page, much less do schedule changes, so basically, you will not be the owner of the website but of an en línea store on it.
The store or page that you are going to design in Wix is more than anything basic but that it will look very professional and visual when selling services and products.
- I do not recommend Wix if you are an advanced usuario and you already know how to program and design a web page
- Cánido’t access source code to modify certain options
3 examples of en línea stores made with Wix
You’ve seen everything Wix perro do for you if what you want is create an en línea store to start your business en línea.
But many times the data is not enough, and you may be wondering How are these types of shops finally?.
That’s why I want to espectáculo you here 3 examples of en línea stores made with Wix so that you cánido see the end result yourself.
I’m a foodie and if you’re thinking open an en línea store for your lugar de comidas or your food business, here is the perfect example.
butcher and sons it’s a food page that specializes in hamburgers but also in the occasional dish and dessert. You cánido see their website made with Wix by clicking here.
It is a very complete page that promote all the food they offer.
In their case, they have a traditional business and premises, but your en línea store is to offer food at home.
So if you are thinking of opening a food delivery business, It is a good store to see how to attract the attention of New customers and buyers.
Household elementos including everything that is decoration and comfort, are quite habitual among the en línea stores created by Wix.
You’ll find from armchairs, coffee tables, dining rooms and other models.
Delinea is an en línea store that gives you the feeling of being at home and wanting to buy the products they offer you, so you could take one or two consejos from its design.
They also offer their manufacturing services the furniture you want. You cánido visit their page here.
All products have the price, a picture of what the item looks like really and the materials with which they are made.
Most en línea stores are targeted first towards clothing and fashion.
It is a very good store option in all the senses, The problem that we are all aware of when starting it is the competition that exists and the measures to be taken to be able to stand out.
one of my Wix Favorite Stores (and where I bought clothes) it’s glory.
It sells totally fashionable clothes and at quite good prices with shipments everywhere. You perro visit their website here.
Also, as soon as I entered the store for the first time, I felt quite called by the colors so light but that complemented your page very well.
You cánido take it as a good example to open your store or maybe know how should you differentiate yourself so that you are not a “copy” by accident.
Open a business you don’t necessarily need do it in the traditional way and consume the money of your whole life.
I discovered it and learned a bit after what I would have liked but nowadays, I have my own en línea store and that happens to be my own business wherever you look at it.
AND Are you going to create your en línea store with Wix? Leave me a comment below and tell me.
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Maria Ng Garcia
I am a lover of literature and writing is my lifelong passion. I love sharing my experiences with others to help them pursue their dreams and learn to never give up. «It’s never too late to be the person you could have been.» -George Eliot
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