economic tricks

How to monetize your SoundCloud account

How to monetize your SoundCloud account

SoundCloud is an audio platform considered one of the largest in the world. It allows users to collaborate, promote and distribute their musical projects.

With this network, you perro boost your personal brand and at the same time, generate monetary income to finance your projects. We will tell you how to do it.

Monetize with SoundCloud Premier

The SoundCloud program is a great platform to connect with your fanes and promote your brand.

With SoundCloud Premier, you perro promote your music to new entusiastas and get paid for your views from your SoundCloud account.

The way it works is easy. You perro monetize your account in less than 15 minutes.

First, you must sign the SoundCloud Premier monetization agreement and use this network to promote your new music single and get more views and increase your entusiastas.

If you use this platform, you only have to add an audio track for monetization, Soundcloud will include short audio clips in your tracks that contain advertising.

In this way, each person who visits and listens to your track will be exposed to a few seconds of advertising, and you you will receive a fraction of the income that the platform receives from its advertisers.

Upload a track that is original and start promoting it through this platform. Or access statistics and royalty reports. All this from your SoundCloud account.

Soundcloud Account Types

Registering on the famous SoundCloud platform is very fácil, you just have to clic on the section «create Account», entrar your dirección de correo electrónico address and choose a password.

You cánido also sign up through Fb or Google plus.

being an open network For both listeners and creators, anyone perro subscribe to upload their music for free or listen to new tunes.

On this platform, you cánido listen to millions of songs that no other network has.

Among the types of SoundCloud accounts that exist, there is Partner, that it’s a free levelbut it only allows you to upload 3 hours of content.

It offers en línea help and basic statistics, where you will have a counter of reproductions, likes, comments and downloads.

another account is Soundcloud Pro, that allows you enhance your listening experience.

You cánido use this platform to make yourself known to the world through your music.

You cánido subscribe for free and create a Pro account, where you will receive exclusive features, statistics, more upload time, support and opportunities for further outreach.

you will also find SoundCloud Pro Unlimited.

Includes everything from the previous plan along with unlimited audio archivo uploads, the option to see the cities where you are heard the most, and the ability to view which aplicaciones play your podcasts more frequently.

How to qualify to be a Soundcloud Premier member?

In order to be part of SoundCloud Premier, you must have a pro account and have at least 1000 views in the last month.

Apart from these requirements, it is necessary to be 18 years old or of legal age in your country of origin, in addition to not having any copyright strike in your account.

Other requirements to be a Premier member are upload original content.

You must present the necessary proof that all your audios are of your own creation. perro only be monetize original songs; however, this platform is advancing and payments for remixes, podcasts or DJ sessions will be included.

Monetize SoundCloud by linking Buy Sites

SoundCloud allows users add a buy backlink to your account so listeners cánido buy the music they love.

This tool cánido help creators earn better profits. So, if you want your entusiastas to buy your music, use this purchase format.

Adding a buy backlink helps give listeners direct access so they perro download your song and add it to your music collections.

You cánido also add a free download backlink if you are interested in gaining more traffic for your account, you just have to fill in the space that says “Buy/Backlink”.

When you add original content to your account, go to «Metadata» and then add the purchase backlink you want to use in the box.

Remember create an eye-catching backlink for your users using words like Buy or Know, what is the most attractive to listeners.

If you already have a previously uploaded original track in your account, just add a buy backlink to it and go to metadata and update it.

This method is not as exclusive as the Premier. You do not have to have any qualification to be able to use it and with the help of this tool, you will be able to reach a good seguidor base who want to buy your music.

By using shopping backlinks you have more freedom to backlink to your website, so you have the possibility to put the price you wantbut at a reasonable price.

Monetize SoundCloud Generating Traffic for Other Pages

if you cánido get a good audience on SoundCloud, you may be able to monetize indirectly.

With this, we want to tell you that you perro redirect the traffic you have in SoundCloud to take it to other pages:

  • To your personal page, where you cánido have a deeper sales plan

  • To other monetization platforms, such as Fb, Instagram or YouTube.

The iniciativa is that you keep several options and you cánido monetize your content through the web presence on different platforms.

Monetize SoundCloud Through Popular Networks

Staying connected with your fanes and the SoundCloud platform is important to advancing in the music industry and making yourself known.

Connecting with popular networks allows SoundCloud coche share new tracksplaylists and likes you’ve given your fanes on other sites.

On SoundCloud, you have the option to equipo up your account and backlink to other platforms, such as Fb or Instagram, where you perro promote your music and add more content to itsuch as vídeos or images related to your song.

With this method, you cánido get more attention from users and attract more entusiastas to your account.

Just remember to create original content so that your brand is unique and you cánido become recognized in many parts of the world and generate income for finance new musical projects.

If you are a musician and you want the whole world to hear your songs, you perro use SoundCloud to start your path as an artist and earn income to continue financing your musical career with all these ways to monetize your account.

In the following vídeo you will see how to get the most out of SoundCloud.

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 How to monetize your SoundCloud account  How to monetize your SoundCloud account  How to monetize your SoundCloud account

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