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How to make money with an association without

How to make money with an association without

It is impossible to promote, develop and maintain a non-profit organization without financial aid and benefits, so it is extremely important to implement strategies to raise money.

Here we are going to teach you different ways to achieve it, but before telling you the alternatives you have, let’s see how a non-profit organization works.

How do non-profit organizations work?

Non-profit organizations are formed by a group of natural or legal persons with a common objective and carrying out activities for the popular good or public interest and that do not have monetary or economic benefits as their main purpose to distribute among their associates.

In general, the objectives that are sought through non-profit organizations tend to have some popular, humanitarian, artistic or community purpose and are financed through grants or donations from different entities, for example: individuals, companies, state organizations, among others.

Ways to earn money in a non-profit association

There are many ways in which you perro get money for the non-profit organization, here we are going to present just some of them, but there are many options you have to raise money for the association.

public aid

There are some government entities that offer aid to non-profit organizations, and in order to request them you must first of all contact the corresponding offices, there I will give youMore all the requirements that you must meet, including the documents to be consigned for the aid.


Other ideas to finance the organization are holding tournaments and it is very easy to do so, you just have to choose the ámbito of the tournament, for example, sports, confectionery, mathematics, etcétera., among those mentioned above, the most common are sports tournaments , but according to the purpose of the organization you cánido better choose the type of tournament.


To raise funds you must have a work team for the production and organization of the event because you need coordination, planning, marketing, and contacting the people who are going to participate in the event. There are different ways to raise money through events, find the one that best suits your goals and that’s it.


Look for people who want to contribute a certain amount of money to be able to finance the project. In general, these aids come from companies and there are many companies that help many non-profit organizations to disminuye government taxes.

Popular networks

Nowadays, popular networks are a very powerful means to disseminate the organization and its objectives, and of course motivate followers to contribute and help.

Marketing campaings

To complement in one way or another the propagation of the non-profit organization through popular networks, you need a good marketing campaign as it will help you reach more people and by expanding the possibility and opportunity to raise more funds increases.

Other options to earn money for a non-profit association in 2023

In addition to the above ideas you perro also carry out harvests or sales bazaars for food or desserts, for this option look for a space, preferably outdoors, a park would be convenient, and take an area and divide it into small spaces where people perro place their products to sell.

You cánido too organize a run or walk for the benefit of the organization. Among all the people committed to the organization they perro promote the event, which in addition to being a healthy activity allows you to collect money through the payment of tiques or permission to participate.

We hope you liked our article How to make money with an association without
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 How to make money with an association without  How to make money with an association without  How to make money with an association without

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