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How to make an international transfer

How to make an international transfer

The Skrill platform allows you to send money from your bank or card to bank accounts in another country. This is very useful when making en línea payments or shipments to anyone anywhere in the world. This article will espectáculo you how to make an international transfer using Skrill.

But, to get into content once and for all, it is necessary that log in to your Skrill account and start this whole process.

Steps to make an international transfer with Skrill in 2023

To achieve transfer someone else’s cómputo from Skrill to bank account, you are required to take a series of steps that consist of indicating data about the amount, the sender, the recipient, view the summary and, finally, pay. You achieve this, as follows:

  1. On the home page of your Skrill account, point your cursor to the left sidebar and clic on Send.

  1. Inside, you must clic on International money transfers.

  1. You are then directed to the transfers section (transfers.skrill.com) where you will have a box in which you must do this:

  • In section “You ship from”you must entrar the amount to transfer, which you cánido also change in the indicated selector.

  • In “they receive in”you perro choose the type of currency to which you are going to send and when doing so, the exchange will be reflected in said destination currency.

Important: Skrill offers you the best exchange rate on any of the international shipping options.

  • inside section “deliver to”you must select option Bank account.

  • In section «Pay with» You have at your disposal several options to make the shipment; from manual bank transfer to cash. You choose the one that suits you best.

Given all these steps, you cánido clic on Following.

  1. On the next page, you are given a box where you must introduce your identification details:

  • ID type”. All you have to do is your passport, controlador’s license or ID number.

  • Source of funds». If they come from any commercial activity, savings, salary, etcétera.

Ready all this, you perro clic on Following.

  1. On the other hand, you must add details about who are you sending the money to. Of course, in this case you could choose between Send to someone else and send to trade. With this, you could start filling in the recipient data form:

Adressee details:

Bank data:

And once you have filled in this box, you will be able to clic on Following.

  1. Almost to finish, what you should do is check, through a summarythat the data you have entered is correct and, if you agree, clic on Confirm.

  1. And finally, you are asked, once again, confirm transferto which you owe clic.

In this way, the en línea banking belonging to the bank that you have an affiliate would open, where you must carry out the typical transfer process, and from here, everything should already be very familiar to you.

With this fácil methodology, you will be able to make your international transfers using Skrill to third-party bank accounts without any problem. And best of all, the commissions are practically nil and with cheap exchange rates.

Vídeo of how to send money to another country with Skrill in 2023

Pay attention to the following vídeo, which will clear up any doubts you may have regarding this information:

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