How to make a promissory note to lend money? 1
before talking about how to fill out a promissory noteit is important that we pay attention to the main thing, and that is that the promissory note is that document that certifies a money loan agreement, that is, it is the contract that is established between both parties when they carry out the loan action, so that the conditions of payment percentages and the dates on which such payments must be made are clear.
In this sense, we must understand that the promissory note is the document that is made as faithful proof that the debtor will cancel the debt in the stipulated time.
In addition to this, this document also allows the person who has lent the money, that is, the person to whom the debt must be paid, cánido legally charge a commission if there is a delay in said payment, since the promissory note justifies the time that has been established by the same debtor, and that if it is not fulfilled, then this implies additional payment of commission for the delay.
Given this, it is important to take into account before showing a promissory note examplethe requirements that are needed for the realization of this type of document.
Requirements for the promissory note
- The debtor’s information must be written in the corresponding section, that is, name, town, place where he lives and a telephone number for his location.
- If there is a figure that supports the promissory note, a space has been allocated just at the back of the promissory note, to establish the information of this character and to assume their commitment.
- The number of the promissory note and the total number of promissory aprecies must be indicated in the section of the document that has been designated for it, this in case we are talking about a debt that will be paid in installments.
- Notify if we are facing a truncable or non-truncable document.
- Your writing should all be done using the same writing language.
- It is important to take into account that the clause that indicates “not to order” in a promissory note, is the one that states that these cannot be endorsable to a third party, they cánido only be transferred through assignment of credit and are also not subject to pay by stamp.
- The clause that indicates “to order” in a promissory note, is the one that states that they cánido be endorsed and taxed by stamping.
- The clause that indicates “to pay into account” means that we must make the transfer to a bank account.
- For crossed promissory aprecies, which are those that have two parallel lines in the middle of the obverse of the promissory note, it is indicated that this cánido only be collected by the legitimate holder by crediting an account.
- The special cruzados are those where the bank is specified and the payment is required in said bank.
- The general cruzados are those where we do not find the bank and the payment perro be made at any of these institutions.
Now, taking into account the requirements that are needed for the creation of a promissory note, we have to talk about how to fill out a promissory note effectively, with a example i will pay That will give us a better view of the situation.
How is a promissory note filled out?
to learn to fill out a promissory note We will be guided by each of the parts that this document has, and with the information that each one deserves for its completion.
Amount to pay
The cancellation value that is still in force is drawn up in numerical codes and in written words. It is important to know that the amount of money written in letters must be enclosed in parentheses to avoid modifications.
End date
The day on which the debt must be settled must be established. If the payment is made in installments, the days selected for the different cancellation periods must be established.
beneficiary identification
The identification of the person to whom the value is addressed must be established once the expiration date arrives.
cancellation location
This is the territorial zone where the amount will be cancelled, so the identification of the city where the payment will be made cánido be written, as well as the specific location where the cancellation must be made.
So much interest
This is the section where the percentage per year that the insolvent must cover for being late in the cancellation once the deadline has passed is established.
We are talking about the interest that you will have to pay additionally for the delay of the fixedly established payments.
The ideal is not to demand an amount greater than 15% or 20% commission, charging more than this figure is considered an illegal act.
The word “I will pay”
As fácil and as fácil as that the word “promissory note” must be explicit in the document.
In this section, both the insolvent and the receiver must autograph, taking into account that the receiver must autograph the promissory note to assume its acceptance and the insolvent must sign it as justification of his debt.
Autographs are equipo manually and the signer must indicate their name written next to their real name.
truncation bar
This is the section where the number that allows the promissory note to be used electronically goes, creating a commercial relationship electronically that is much more optimal.
Customer Account Code and IBAN Code
It is necessary to entrar the two numbers and do it without errors, so that there are no mistakes in the whole process, otherwise, with an fallo, the promissory note cannot be legally issued.
This is the way to carry a promissory note, the process is not complicated, on the contrary, it is something very fácil to carry out and very efficient, taking into account that there should be no errors and that the indicated information must be established in a completely real way.
i will pay example
Now that we have all the information in our hands on the development of a promissory note correctly, we must pay attention to the following promissory note example to finish understanding what we have explained throughout this encuentro of financial wisdom.
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