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How to make a claim to the bank for

How to make a claim to the bank for

Many times you have had to complejo turístico to mortgaging some property or make investments without having all the legal and financial experience that is required. When this happens, you run the risk that the bank you hired does not provide you with all the information you need to know and as a consequence you will be condemned to pay high interest or abusive fees.

In this article we will recommend the platform CLAIMER (clic to access), because represents a digital solution for your legal problems associated with banking. They put at your disposal their baggage of experience accumulated in all their years of effective service. You will know all the procedures that cánido facilitate you and it is very likely that you feel identified with any of them.

Floor clause claims

In mortgages, the floor clauses are those that equipo a minimum interest. In such a way that, even if the mortgage is linked to a lower rate, that minimum will have to be paid. The courts have considered the majority of mortgage floor clauses null and voidgiven that they are not clearly stated in the contracts.

If this is your case or you are not sure if it is, try filling in the form floor clause claim in Claimant Taking a few steps you will have started your claim, it is fácil, you perro do it from your mobile or computer, at the most convenient time for you.

By scanning your documents and uploading them to the website, your situation will be studied; if it is feasible to make the claim, they will send a report explaining the amount of money that perro be recovered. If you agree, you will send an authorization for the procedures to begin. Throughout the process, they will keep you informed by correo electrónico, in your client area or mensaje de texto.

Revolving card claims

Have you been paying for your credit card for years and still owe money? Does the same thing happen with any product you bought on credit? It is probably due to the fact that you are the beneficiary of a revolving card, a consumer credit that allows defer payments for purchases made using this card.

This credit decreases when paying monthly installments, however, it increases when using the card, because interest is generated that is financed jointly with the debt, causing the debt to increase monthly instead of decreasing.

The Supreme Court in its judgment of 03-04-2020 on revolving cards, considered abusive the interest rate of 27% fixed in one of these credits, which is much higher than the average interest rate of credit cards of 20%.

If you have not requested your claims for this reason, you cánido do so at revolving card complaints in claimer. They will help you claim the abusive interest on your revolving credit, that the bank that granted it to you, or who issued the card, must return you in full. If a conveniente response is not obtained within a period of two months, they go before the Court of First Instance of your home to fill it out.

Mortgage Expense Claims

When applying for a mortgage, many banks, imposing their rules, require the cancellation of all formalization expenses, including the Tax on Documented Legal Acts, notary, registration, appraisal and agency expenses. That should never have happened It is time for justice to be done to you and recover what you paid for others.

In claimer (Section: Mortgage Expense Claims) You perro request the annulment of the clause where all expenses were imposed and requesting a refund of all or part of these, will also require the elimination of other abusive clauses by which the bank could force you to repay the entire loan, if you stop paying the mortgage for a short period of time.

The legal team of analyzes your case with the bills you sendand they will send you a report on its feasibility, so you perro escoge whether to start the process.

Multi-Currency Claims

Did you acquire a mortgage in a foreign currency? In this case, the bank should have informed you in an understandable manner of the economic consequences involved. If you are not an expert in the matter and the bank concealed information about the risks, it is time to take action.

Through claimer (Section: multi-currency mortgage claim), You will request its cancellation, conversion of your loan into euros, recover the excess paymentachieving a significant debt reduction.

A group of skilled lawyers and experts will consider your case so that you find out how much you could get back with the annulment of the multi-currency clauses, they will answer your questions and, with prior authorization, they will recalculate your mortgage in euros and start the fuera de la justicia claim against the bank. .

Banco Habitual bond claims

Banco Habitual Español, SA convertible bonds represent a risky product aimed at investors with extensive financial knowledge and experience. It is likely that you have contracted these bonuses without having all the relevant information.

In the event that you own them and are not aware of their risks, you have the right to get the contract declared void. through the backlink claimer (Section: habitual bank bonds),, You will start this process with the security of putting your case in the best hands.

Filling out the digital form from your computer or mobile is very easy, you will only provide some information about your investment and securely attach your documentation.

Preference Depósito Claims

Maybe you bought preferred shares because you were told they were guaranteed, when the reality is that they are complicated and high-risk financial products. It is an investment without determined completion, and little liquidity. If you had them in intervened banking entities, perhaps that date never arrived or they exchanged it for lower value shares.

This product is susceptible to a claim, if you were not honestly informed of its risks and you lacked investment experience. In reclaimer (Section: Preferred) you have the opportunity to make your situation known, and they will analyze the exchanges for shares of the preferred shares.

Because these products will prescribe soon, I hurriedrate to consult your bank contract with reclamador.estheir friendly team will be committed to helping you start the claim, if that is your wish.

IRPH mortgage claims

If your mortgage contract presents the mortgage loan reference index (IRPH), the bank should have informed you of this fact with greater transparency.

Perhaps you will not have noticed if they applied this index that harms you, but simply by providing your ID and the deed of your mortgage loan on the platform claimer (Section: IRPH Mortgages), the specialist lawyers will investigate it and calculate the amount of the refund that corresponds to you.

Definitely, the claimant website is your best option to make bank claims on the internet; His transparency, experience and affable treatment, prove it. Let them take you by the hand so that you achieve victory in your legal procedures!

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