How to install an SSL Certificate and pass from

How to install an SSL Certificate and pass from


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Don’t you have one installed yet? SSL certificate on your Web page and you want to go from http to https your site? This could bring you great benefits in terms of SEO and the trust you transmit to your users.

I am sure that on more than one occasion you have wanted to buy in an en línea store and, when your browser warned you that this website was not safe, you have reversed your purchase.

And it is that, without a doubt, nowadays having an SSL certificate installed that allows us to espectáculo our website in a secure version or “HTTPS” is essential.

And even more so when our activities include selling products or services.

Perro I myself install an SSL Certificate on my own website for free?

Of course! But the best of all is not that you have the possibility to install this certificate yourselfbut also, if you choose a top-level hosting company to host your blog, you cánido do it TOTALLY FREE.

Webempresa, your hosting with FREE SSL Certificate (20% DISCOUNT)

With this in mind, today you will learn how to turn your site into a secure and reliable website for all who escoge to visit it.

But first of all, I will start by giving you a definition of SSL Certificate, in case you are one of the few who still do not know what it is and, above all, what does it orinan to have it installed or not.


What is an “SSL Certificate”?

[tabs slidertype=»simple»] [tab]SSL is an acronym for “Secure Sockets Layer» which, in Spanish means “port layer insurance”. In a few words, we perro say that they are the cryptographic protocols that carry out secure communications in the transmission of data over the Internet.[/tab] [/tabs]

This implies great protection for the website that has it installed when it comes to sending information between both ends of a connection.

For example, if we fill out a purchase form with our bank details and clic send, if there is someone intercepting the connection in the middle, they could see all the content of said form.

However, if an SSL Certificate is installed, the data would be intercepted, but encrypted without being able to see its true information.

In other words, just as we saw “Canal Agregado” years ago: the image was intuited, but so encoded that we could not clearly distinguish what was on the other side.

This gives us, as managers of an en línea business (blog, eCommerce, etcétera.) a multitude of advantages, in terms of the security that you will be providing to your visitors so that they trust you and your Brand.

Still, it is true that the SSL certificate would not be strictly necessary have it installed in case we are only going to visit a website to read its contents.

But as it is a aspecto to be taken into account by Google plus in the face of the SEO positioningYes, it would be recommendable to have him. In fact, you will be able to verify that most professional weblogs today already have it installed.

What information does an SSL Certificate contain?

Basically, these contain this data, which would become the DNI of your website, which corroborates that, indeed, you are the owner of that domain:

● The name of the certificate holder.

● Your serial number and expiration date.

● A copy of the owner’s public key.

● The digital signature of the authority issuing the certificate.

Taking all this into account, I will summarize some of the reasons that motivate more and more en línea business professionals to have this complement.

Why should I install an SSL certificate and change my website from HTTP to HTTPS or secure mode?

Although I have already mentioned some of the reasons why you should install it or hire a professional to do it for you, these are some of the most important:

1. There are free certificate authorities like “Let’s Encrypt”

Contrary to what happened a few years ago, there are now free SSL certificates, such as the one offered by Let’s Encrypta project promoted by the Linux Foundation.

This entity offers each usuario responsible for an Internet domain to have their own certificate, which is free, 100% free, unique for each website and automatically installed, as you will see later.

2. Browsers warn you when the site is not secure

As the person in charge of an en línea business, knowing that when your potential clients see the message of “Your connection to this site is not secure» is something that, without a doubt, will not benefit you at all.

Above all because if you sell products or services and these users must entrar their most personal or bank details on your website, you won’t inspire them too much confidence to do it.

3. It is a very important SEO aspecto for Google plus

Undoubtedly, this is another relevant aspecto when it comes to improving your organic positioning in Google plus. Since 2014, the Internet giant announced that it would start taking HTTPS as a top signal in its search engine.

This implies that installing an SSL Certificate on our blog or corporate page has become one of the more than 200 SEO positioning factors.


• WEBCOMPANY: do it from this backlink and save 25% on the final price (Discount code: ismaelruiz)

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4. Increase the security of your business

All private information travels encrypted through the network and the interception of said content is very complicated, as long as you have that domain in the “https” version.

5. Improve your quality score in Adwords

If you invest a monthly budget in Google plus Adwords, will improve the investment budget in your campaigns, since the fact of having a website with an SSL certificate is taken into account in its quality level elabora.

6. You avoid possible software malicioso

We avoid possible software malicioso, since certifying entities usually scan the websites that have them active on the Internet.

Therefore, you will be safe from all these types of infections.

How many types of SLL Certificates are there?

Before we list the different types of digital licenses that exist, it is important to note that they all use the same encryption estándar. Therefore, whatever you install will be 100% safe.

In any case, your choice should depend on the size of your project or en línea business and whether it is more or less scalable. In this way, you will not need to install the same certificate for a personal blog as for an en línea store that contains more than 1,000 products.

► SSL certificate with domain validation

It is the one that only serves for a single domain. It is perfect for projects or businesses whose pages are relatively fácil and do not include any type of bank transaction.

[tabs slidertype=»simple»] [tab]If I, in my case, wanted to create a subdomain with an en línea store linked to my main domain, this certificate would not be valid.

Example: “«[/tab] [/tabs]

In case you are in this situation, the following type would be ideal for you:

► “Wildcard” SSL certificate

Another of the available types is the so-called “Wildcard”, which are applicable to a domain and all the subdomains that are decided to be created.

Nike emplees a subdomain for its “News” section

In the case of the “NIKE” en línea store, they use several subdomains, each with a section of your eCommerce:

  • News:
  • Employment:
  • Investments:

Here, all the subdomains would also be protected by the SSL Certificate of the main domain.

► Multi-Domain SSL Certificate (SAN)

The initials “SAN” that distinguish this type come from “Subjects Alternative Names”. Is the most indicated when the same company has several different domains.

To cite an example, the Coca-Cola website has several different domains (not to be confused with subdomains), depending on the country from which you access:

  • Spain:
  • Sweden:
  • Argentina:
  • Japan:

These are usually more expensive and you perro usually use them in up to 3 different domains, from 4 you should hire an extension.

► SSL certificate with organization or company validation

It is afín to the first type of “Domain Validation” in that it is also applicable to a single domain. The caveat is that it is identified with large companies and corporations, which usually need greater technical benefits.

For get It, the company must validate its corporate datathat identify it as a unique and business entity.

► Extended SSL Certificate

Despite the fact that all these types provide great security to the users and those responsible for the site in question, this is perhaps the one that provides the greatest reliability from a psychological point of view.

This is because in the area where the green lock that indicates the presence of SSL usually appears, there is also the name of the company appears that we are visiting

Some examples related to the digital ámbito are:

Webempresa Extended SSL Certificate
Twitter Extended SSL Certificate

► Free SSL Certificates

It is based on the revolution that “Let’s Encrypt” started a few years ago, which, as I mentioned before, paved the way for be able to create a blog or a secure website at no cost.

By having users the possibility of making their websites more secure, without the need to make any investmenthas meant that Google plus began to take it into account in order to position pages in its search engine.

Which hosting companies offer free SSL Certificate with Let’s Encrypt?

Today, most companies that provide web hosting services have implemented the option to install this protocol.

However, these are the most outstanding and the ones that personally give me greater confidence, since I have projects contracted with them:

1. Webcompany

Is he hosting where my blog is hosted and one of those who first began to offer it. Activating it is very fácil and is done from your customer area of Webcompanyin the “Hosting” section of your panel menu, right in the “Certificates” section.

2. Raiola Networks

In the case of Raiola Networks You do not have to carry out any procedure, since it is activated by default in all the hosting plans that you contract with them.

So, you just have to put your website in HTTPS. You must pay special attention to the redirections that are generated, in case you install it already having your website in this hosting.


In the case of the company SiteGround You perro also have a Let’s Encrypt certificate for your website completely free of charge.

You will only have to go to your cPanel or administrator panel and activate it from its options. Easy, fast and you will have your site protected by the “https” protocol, which your users will appreciate.

» You may also like to read:

The Best Hosting to host your website in 2019

How to install an SSL Certificate on my website with Webempresa step by step

Despite the fact that there are many hosting companies that offer you this service (not only those that I have mentioned), as you know, I have placed my trust in Webempresa.

Thus, I will explain step by step the fácil process that I followed In order to move my website to a safe, reliable state and with a better predisposition to organic search engine positioning:

1. Hire your web project

To install it, you must first contract your hosting with them, in addition to registering your own domain or transferring it to Webempresa, in case you already have one.

Webempresa, your hosting with FREE SSL Certificate (20% DISCOUNT)

From here, once you complete the entire purchase process and make the corresponding payment, you will be able to access the dashboard or personal “Customer Area”.

2. Access the “Certificates” section

From this personal panel, you must access «Hosting > Certificates» and you will access the area where you will learn how to install this functionality yourself for your domain.

3. Select the project where you want to install it

Once inside, you must select the domain in which you want to install it, if you have several, all of them contracted with Webempresa.

► Remember that, as I mentioned before, the free Let’s Encrypt certificate must be installed separately on each web domain.

After this clarification, you must clic on «Manage certificates» and you will entrar to install it in the selected domain.

4. Select “Let’s Encrypt” and the domain where to install it

Once inside the property or domain where you want to have your free certificate installed, Webempresa presents you with 2 possibilities: Let’s Encrypt and Comodo.

Both are perfectly valid, with the difference that with the first (which is the one we are dealing with today) you will be enabling the AutoSSL option of your account from cPanel.

In this way, all the domains whose web IP points to the Webempresa server, will have after a few minutes, installed a free and perfectly valid SSL certificate for major browsers.

And with him “Comfortable” certificate You will have a somewhat more “premium” security on your website, endorsed by this company. However, this option will cost you €72+VAT.

My advice is that, unless you have a marketplace or a mega web page with millions of products and/or content, opt for the option at no cost.

[box] In the previous image you cánido see that, in my case, the “Disable AutoSSL” button appears. This is obviously because I already installed it at the time. [/box]

If you have not yet installed any SSL certificate with a Webempresa hostingyou must clic on “Enable AutoSSL”, to proceed with the free installation.

5. Convert the domain to “htpps”

Finally, just below this previous option to choose the type of certificate, you have the last step.

Here you are asked for your confirmation to install that chosen certificate in one of the domains that you have installed in the Hosting Plan that you have contracted with them.

Choose the one you want to have it installed on and clic on «Convert selected WordPress installations to HTTPS«.

You just have to wait and be patient for another 15 or 20 minutes, which will be the time it takes Webempresa to redirect all your pages to the secure version or “HTTPS”.

Vídeo of the free installation process of an SSL Certificate with Webempresa

Below I espectáculo you a vídeo from Webempresa’s YouTube channel, where its own technicians explain the entire process in a little more detail.

Although, as you have been able to verify, it is very fácil and does not differ too much from a typical installation of a PC programa of a lifetime:

At this point, if you have convinced yourself of the number of advantages that move your blog or website to HTTPS or safe mode and install a free SSL Certificate, you perro do it with Webempresa.

With them, once you contract your hosting service, you must follow these fácil steps that I showed you previously and, in just a few minutes, you will have it up and running.

[button link=» color=»silver» newwindow=»yes»] I WANT TO HAVE A SECURE WEB WITH WEBEMPRESA [/button]


Nowadays, it is necessary to have an SSL certificate of this type active and working in all the pages of your en línea business, be it an eCommerce, a blog, a corporate page, etcétera.

But more important if possible is that, above all technical reasons, you must do it to inspire more confidence in your potential clients.

Precisely those who, when they arrive at your Internet business and are going to entrar their bank details, your browser warns them that your website is not safe. This, as you may already be imagining, will They flee in terror towards the competition.

Have you had any questions in the free installation process of your SSL Certificate?

What is your experience since you managed to install it and have your website in “https” mode?

Main (Super) images owned by Shutterstock.

Tell me about your experience or doubts about it, so that I cánido help you. And if you found it interesting, share it with a friend.


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