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How to Import a Token to MetaMask (Add

How to Import a Token to MetaMask (Add

There are many users of metamask those who get confused when importing tokens, either because they don’t get this option or because they don’t know how to use it.

if you also want import tokens into your MetaMask walletyou will be happy to know that in this article you will be able to know the step by step to follow to add them, so keep reading!

How to import a new token to MetaMask in 2023

You cánido make the amount of tokens to metamask in a fácil way and in a very short time, from now on you will see what you should do.

  1. Access the interfaz metamask and login to this wallet.
  1. In the MetaMask extension you will see the button networks, on top. Clic on it and if you want add another network in “add network”.

To add a network you must fill in some fields with the name of the network, the RCP address, chain identifier, among others. You should keep in mind that not all networks are coincidente with MetaMask.

  1. Now, to import tokens from the Ethereum network, you must look in “networks» the option «Ethereum mainnet”. Clic on it.
  1. Now go to the bottom and clic on the option “import tokens”.
  1. From now on you will be shown a search engine where you perro make the search for the token you want. It is important that you make sure that the token is coincidente with the platform.

Select the token and clic the «Next» button.

  1. Now you must clic on the «Import tokens» button and that’s it, you already have your new imported token.

You should know that you cánido also import tokens from the Polygon and Binance networks. The process will be very afín to that of the Ethereum network, the only difference will be that you must entrar the address of the desired token.

Once you have your tokens added, you cánido perform the operations you wanteither send, redeem, among others.

From now on you will see an explanatory vídeo that will clearly espectáculo you the step by step previously shown.

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 How to Import a Token to MetaMask (Add  How to Import a Token to MetaMask (Add  How to Import a Token to MetaMask (Add

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