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How to go from Cryptocurrencies to Euros in

How to go from Cryptocurrencies to Euros in

Pass cryptocurrencies to Euros on Coinbase It is one of the actions that the platform allows you, and it is easy to do. But if for some reason the process to carry out to change your cryptos for fiat currency. So, this tutorial is for you, because we will teach you the entire process that must be carried out to convert any Euro digital currency inside Coinbase.

Before you begin, keep in mind that Coinbase is one of the most famous platforms Worldwide. Well, it allows you to save, trade, buy and sell the main cryptocurrencies that are being traded, including altcoins.

How to convert cryptocurrencies into Euros on Coinbase in 2023?

if you have been saving in cryptocurrencies on the Coinbase platform, and you need to change your bitcoin or any other Crypto to Euros. Either because you want to have it in the euro digital wallet Or just remove them. Conversion being a necessary step before retirement. Well, what we must do is the following.

Obviously, the first thing you should do is entrar the Coinbase platform, using your login details. After you are inside your usuario panel, you should go to the upper right side. There you will find a blue button called Buy and sellclic on it.

Select cryptocurrency that you want to convert to euro

When the pop-up window appears buy and sell crypto, you must go to the upper tabs of this window. And select the option to sell.

In this section you must entrar the cryptocurrency that you need to exchange for euros. Clic on the box where it is called Sell. To display a list of the available cryptocurrencies that you perro convert for euro on the platform from Coinbase. You must take into account that you must have funds in the selected cryptocurrency so that you perro exchange it.

In the next box you cánido see that the only option offered is entrar the converted funds to the euro portfolio. If you clic on this option you will see that it is the only one that comes by default. Therefore, it will be where the converted funds will arrive.

Introduce funds and accept the conversion from Crypto to Euro on Coinbase

In this step, all that remains is entrar the amount in euros that you want to convert from the selected cryptocurrency.

Suppose we want to change 10 euros, first you must verify that you have those funds available in the selected cryptocurrency. After having placed 10 euros in the option to sell, you must clic on the blue button called «Sale Preview».

In the preview, you will notice that the wallet where the funds will be sent is the Euro. You are also shown the current price of the cryptocurrency, the Coinbase commission and the amount you will receive in Euros. Keep in mind to offset the amount you are changing with respect to the commission you must pay.

After you verify the information and agree with the funds that you will receiveClic on the blue button labeled «Sell Now».

How to check if the converted funds are in the Coinbase Euro wallet?

To check if you have the funds converted into euro in the respective portfolio, after passing cryptocurrencies to Euros. What you should do is go to the right side and in the menu that you will see there, Select the Portfolio option.

After you are inside the wallet section, go to the bottom center where says Assets and you cánido see the euro wallet along with all the others. If you need to vea the movements of your funds, you must clic on the Euros portfolio.

Once inside the Coinbase Euros wallet, you will be able to check the different movements that you have done through the account. Well, there remains the history of the different transactions made.

If you need to send the funds converted into euros to a bank account, outside of Coinbase. Then just clic on the tab that you will find on the right side of «Withdraw funds»

Withdrawing cryptos from Coinbase to a bank account in 2023 is easy and safe

As you cánido notice in this easy tutorial, convert from cryptocurrencies to Euros It is a fácil procedure to perform. You just have to follow each of the instructions. However, if you need a better explanation on how convert cryptocurrencies to euros on Coinbase. So here is this vídeo tutorial that will explain each of the steps to follow in more detail.

Also here you have one play list where you will find all the tutorial vídeos directly related to the Coinbase platform. That they will help you in each procedure you carry out on this digital platform.

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 How to go from Cryptocurrencies to Euros in  How to go from Cryptocurrencies to Euros in  How to go from Cryptocurrencies to Euros in

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