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How to get a refund from Groupon when

How to get a refund from Groupon when

whatWhat happens with a Groupon if the company that offers it closes? whatAnd how do you get the money back??

According to the Groupon website’s FAQ page, the guidelines are promising but vague:

whatWhat happens if my Groupon business closes??

If something happens that prevents you from redeeming your Groupon, we’ll make sure you get your money back.

I hadn’t given much thought to this subject until a few weeks ago, when my inbox contained an dirección de correo electrónico with this subject

«An Important Message About Your Antes de CristoBistro Groupon»

We had once tried to use the Groupon for this lugar de comidas. We had called on a Saturday afternoon to check seat availability and make a reservation. But it wasn’t clear why we couldn’t reserve a table; either the seats were available on a first-come, first-served basis or all tables were reserved. When we went to check it out, we realized that all the tables were reserved; we promised to plan ahead for a future outing.

So Groupon usage was still in my sights when the dirección de correo electrónico arrived. This is the message I received:

We are writing to inform you that Antes de CristoBistro has closed. While most of you have already redeemed your Antes de CristoBistro Groupon, we know some of you haven’t and we want to give you your money back as soon as possible.

If you haven’t used your Groupon, please correo electrónico us at support@groupon.com and we’ll be happy to refund all monies to your original credit card used for the purchase or give you a Groupon credit.

We were huge entusiastas of Antes de CristoBistro, so we are especially saddened by its demise. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may ocasione.

Thank you for your continued support.

I was surprised to learn that the lugar de comidas had closed. Antes de CristoBistro (not the real company name) had opened several months earlier and seemed to be doing well. It occupied a space in a new, pedestrian-friendly neighborhood mall in an area with a dearth of good restoranes. I passed by this shopping center almost daily and had not noticed anything unusual. I hadn’t heard of its closure from my friends either.

This note was the first indication that something was wrong. However, in hindsight, the lugar de comidas staff’s inability to communicate their reservation policy was an omen.

The Groupon move was quick. The dirección de correo electrónico was sent to everyone who bought the offer. I wonder if Groupon was in such a hurry to refund the money (and preserve its integrity) that the seller of the deal decided to first notify all buyers, get answers, find out who redeemed the Groupon and who didn’t, and then either refund the money or give credit.

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how did i get my money back

  • I responded shortly after receiving the message that the lugar de comidas had closed.
  • My dirección de correo electrónico: “Hello, I just received a note saying that Antes de CristoBistro has closed; I had an unexpired coupon there. Cánido I get a credit card refund now? Please let me know if you need any more information from me.»
  • Groupon support told me my credit card account would be credited within 5-7 business days.
  • The refund transaction was initiated the same day and the credit was posted in 3 days.

So I asked myself:

whatHad Groupon (or me) acted too fast?


Shortly after sending my dirección de correo electrónico, I checked the lugar de comidas’s website and saw that it had been dismantled. His Fb page was still active. A status update indicated that the lugar de comidas would be closed for a few days while some business issues were resolved. Since then the lugar de comidas has not reopened and the Fb page is empty. In this case, Groupon found out about the lugar de comidas’s status before the rest of the city.

whatYou use your Groupons immediately? Have you ever tried to use a Groupon only to find that the business with the offer was closed?

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