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How to finance a car and some consejos

How to finance a car and some consejos

The financing to buy a car It is the easiest and fastest method to acquire it, since you do not require a large outlay of money after a great effort to save. In addition to paying quite comfortable installments month after month.

Today there is many options to apply for financing, but in order to choose the best one, you have to analyze and compare conditions such as interest rates and terms. If you want to have the car of your dreams, be sure to read this article because it will provide you with valuable information that perro help you finance it.

Requirements to finance a car

It is a great iniciativa to think about financing a car, but to do so you must meet a series of prerequisites. So in order to be able get car financing of your dreams, you must meet these basic requirements:

  • Photocopy of the National Identity Document (DNI).
  • Photocopy of the last payslips (preferably the last three).
  • Photocopy of the income you receive (If you are not on the payroll).
  • A document issued by the bank where the IBAN account number appears.
  • If you own any property, you must present the receipt.
  • Finally, working life.

In addition to these requirements, you must be of legal age, not be on any delinquent list and earn a very good income.

Why is it cheaper to finance a car?

Today it is almost impossible to buy a car with cash, and the truth is that disbursing a notable amount of money from one moment to another is not easy, and it also requires an extremely exhausting effort.

Practically, if you are going to buy the car of your dreams you should do it through financingand it seems that doing it this way will be much cheaper than paying it in cash.

One of the most attractive offers offered by the seller is to buy the car under the brand financing and receive a pretty good discount. The buyer wins and the brand wins: the brand by establishing a relationship for years (for the duration of the financing) with its customers, and you, of course, by acquiring a good car.

3 companies that offer good financing for cars

But with whom to finance? Get to know the 3 best companies to finance your car, compare their advantages. These are the following:


With IberCaja you cánido enjoy the Loan Let’s go Car Ibercaja. With this loan you perro buy any new or second-hand car, you will have comfortable interest rates, much lower than average. You will not pay commissions for early redemption.

They have an amount ranging from €1,000 to €75,000 and with a minimum term of 12 months and a maximum of 8 years. The TIN is 5.50% and an APR of 5.93%.


The Santander Group offers Santander Car Loan which has a very competitive interest rate in the market. It has the advantage of a high maximum amount of €80,000 and a minimum of €5,000.

By choosing this company to finance your car, you will have up to 6 long years to pay it off and a minimum term of 12 months, in addition to adjusting or configuring payments each month. The cars that cover the financing do not exceed 3 years old, have a TIN of 5.50% and an APR of 6.06%, and in terms of the opening commission it is 1.50%.

Unicaja Bank

With Unicaja Banco it helps you buy your car thanks to Unicaja Motor Loan. You have up to 60,000 euros to have the car of your dreams. Another of its advantages is that it has an excellent TIN that goes from 5.50% and also, you cánido pay with a term that extends up to 8 years. In addition to financing cars, it also offers motorcycle loans.

Perro you finance a car without payroll?

If you find yourself without a payroll when buying a car, don’t worry, you cánido finance it without payroll or endorsement. The only thing you will have to worry about is making sure that you cánido afford the car.

The requirements to finance a car without payroll are the following:

  • Be of legal age and not be on the list of defaulters.
  • To this we perro add a conveniente result of the financing analysis carried out by a bank (the same entity of the loan).

To finance a car you have several alternatives, such as:

  • Go to the financial institution and negotiate the financing.
  • Apply for a loan from a lender.
  • Finance the car with a car dealer.

After the loan application, the response of the approval of this enters a period of between 7 to 15 days. However, This time may vary according to the time it takes the entity to carry out the financing analysis..

Perro you finance a second-hand car?

Of course you perro finance a second-hand car. You cánido buy the car from the financing of a dealer to a private individual. How to do it? I’ll explain to you right away:

Second-hand car financing at the dealership

The first thing you should do is go to a dealership that offers second-hand cars under this style. They will present you with two financing options: linear financing and maleable financing.

In the first option, they will give a loan under certain conditions agreed between both parties, in which it is stipulated that you have to pay the money agregado the interest on it.

The second is a leasing contract and is the option to pay very low installments at the beginning. After a while, start paying a higher monthly payment. At the end of the payment, the car will be yours and you cánido keep it or exchange it for a newer one.

As you may have noticed, acquiring a car through financing is not impossible, there are different opportunities and options that you perro enjoy to change the way you get around. It only remains to take hands on the matter and acquire that car that you want so much.

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 How to finance a car and some consejos  How to finance a car and some consejos  How to finance a car and some consejos

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