How to equipo up a Microsoft encuentro
How to equipo up a Microsoft encuentro
Microsoft Teams is one of the frequently used vídeo conferencing tools with capabilities afín to Zoom and WebEx. The aplicación is habitual for its encuentro features. If you have never used it, you may be wondering how it works. Read on to learn how to equipo up a Teams encuentro.
Setting up a Microsoft Teams encuentro
Here’s how to equipo up a Microsoft Teams encuentro. Two different options are offered.
Through Microsoft Outlook
If you use Microsoft Outlook as your dirección de correo electrónico provider, the steps required are:
- Start Microsoft Outlook.
- Select the “New Elementos” dropdown menu on the Home tab.
- Select “Teams Encuentro” to open a new page to equipo up encuentro details.
- Add the details for “Encuentro Title”, “Required Attendees”, “Optional Attendees”, “Encuentro Start Time”, and “Encuentro End Time”.
- The “Location” field would already be filled in by the aplicación and in the body of the correo electrónico; a backlink will automatically be included for invited attendees to join the encuentro.
- Select the “Submit” button after you have entered all the encuentro details.
Through Microsoft Teams
On your PC or mobile device, once you’ve downloaded the aplicación, follow these steps to equipo up a encuentro:
- Launch the Teams aplicación.
- Select the “Calendar” icon.
- If you want to host an impromptu encuentro, select the “Meet Now” icon to generate a encuentro backlink to share or start a encuentro.
- If you want to schedule a encuentro in advance, select «New Encuentro» and then «Schedule Encuentro.»
- Once you opt to schedule a encuentro, a new box opens and you need to fill in the encuentro details, including “Encuentro Title”, “Required Attendees”, “Encuentro Start Time”, “Encuentro End Time”. Encuentro”, “Location” and “Encuentro Details”.
- Select the “Submit” button after you have entered all the encuentro details.
Join a Microsoft Teams encuentro
To join a encuentro in Microsoft Teams, you cánido join using a backlink or have the encuentro organizer or other participants call you.
Join using a backlink
Most of the time, when you receive an invitation to a Teams encuentro, within the body of the dirección de correo electrónico there is a backlink to join the encuentro. Follow these steps:
- Clic on the hyperlink in the body of the dirección de correo electrónico titled “Clic here to join the encuentro”.
- The backlink opens a new page where you have the option to join the encuentro through the Teams aplicación or in your browser.
Once you are in the encuentro, you have the following options:
- Choose to use your computer’s audio as speakerphone or turn it off. If you choose to join your computer speakers, you perro adjust the volume to your preference.
- Join the encuentro muted or unmuted.
- Your vídeo camera cánido be turned on or off before joining the encuentro.
After selecting your encuentro preferences, select the “Join Now” option.
get someone to call you
If you cánido’t find the backlink to the encuentro invitation, you perro have one of the other encuentro participants call you by following these steps:
- The other participant perro clic the “Espectáculo Participants” icon on the encuentro page.
- They must write their name in the empty field to look it up in the address book.
- Once your name appears, the other participant must clic on it to call you.
How to modify encuentro options in Teams
Once you’ve finished sending encuentro invitations, you perro manage your encuentro settings by following these steps:
- On the Encuentro page, select the (…) icon representing “More Actions”.
- Select “Encuentro Options”.
- On a new page, a list of options will appear.
Options list includes:
- Determine who cánido bypass the lobby: If you’re dealing with people outside of your organization, this feature is useful as it controls when guests join the encuentro. Through this option, you cánido allow people in your organization, guests, just you, or everyone to bypass the lobby based on your preference.
- Announce when callers join or leave: Typically, when users join a encuentro, the aplicación notifies you. If you don’t want to activate the option, you cánido deactivate it.
- Equipo screen sharing permissions: If you want to restrict who perro share your screen during the encuentro, you cánido allow people in your organization, invitees, just you, or everyone
- Mute attendees: If you don’t want distractions while the encuentro is in progress, you cánido prevent attendees from unmuting by setting the switch to «No.»
- Allow encuentro chat: If you want users to interact while the encuentro is in progress, you perro enable encuentro chat. If you don’t want this, you cánido also turn it off.
- Once you select your preferences, clic the «Save» button to store all changes.
How to manage a team encuentro
When a Teams encuentro is in progress, here’s what to do to make sure the process runs smoothly:
- Ask attendees to turn off their microphones.
If the mute all attendees feature has not been enabled in the encuentro options, ask all attendees to mute their microphones. You cánido articulo a message in the encuentro chat or communicate it verbally. Another option may be to mute all participants while the encuentro is in progress.
- Ask attendees to articulo questions or comments in the chat box.
If your encuentro includes a presentation, you cánido ask attendees to leave any questions or comments they have in the encuentro chat box. This way, you perro always refer to it during your Q&A session or when you have a break.
- Have attendees use reactions
Microsoft Teams has a reaction field, which allows users to raise their hand, give a thumbs up, or let out a smiley face. Attendees perro use the raise their hand feature to indicate when they have a question or comment.
Like Zoom and WebEx, Microsoft Teams offers encuentro features like a lobby, encuentro chat, and screen sharing permissions. The features are quite usuario friendly and allow for easy setup and management of meetings in the Teams aplicación. As you’ve seen here, learning how to equipo up a Teams encuentro shouldn’t be difficult either.
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