How to deposit money in Agregado500? Step by Step

How to deposit money in Agregado500? Step by Step
Being in CFD Agregado500 you may not know how to make a deposit, but here we will teach you step by step to do it. The first thing you should know is that you need to be in the account to start the procedure, then you will go to the left bar where the option to money.
It is important to note that it is not intended to make any kind of legal recommendation. Only the step-by-step procedure for deposit money in Agregado 500. Ideally, you should consult a professional in case you want to use the real capital.
Go to the «Funds» section
Once you are inside money, you go to general features and then to to deposit. There you will see the different options you have to do this operation, it contains several without any complications. Simply each one has a different minimum and maximum amount.
Debit or credit card option
Among the various options that you will find, there is one of the most traditional: with a debit or credit card. In this case works with any type of card.
- Below it tells you the minimum that is 100.00 Euros, and the maximum that is 40,000.00 Euros.
Also, below you will find different comments referring to the permission you grant for such payments.
Also, you have the option of place the amount according to the options that you mark, or you cánido customize it.
Then you would put the card numberbelow you place the CVV (the three-digit code), and the expiration date.
Once this is complete, you would give make deposit, and the payment would be made instantly, saving the card details.
Paypal option
If you want to make payments through PayPal, It is very fácil. Basically you have to add the Correo electrónico, but if you still do not have it registered, it is time to do it or even modify it.
The same goes for the quantity. The limits are exactly the same, and the deposit is made instantly as well.
You cánido do it with Skrill
Another option known in many countries is Skrill, the minimum and maximum of the limits is likewise the same. you should also place the dirección de correo electrónicothen the amount is personalized or any of the options that Agregado 500 adds to you.
And most importantly, you will always clic on the button to make and confirm the deposit.
Using the Klarna payment method
klarna particularly in Spain it is not very famous, but there will be other countries where it is more widely used. Either way, it’s an option they know they perro count on.
Through bank transfer
The transfer option basically gives you the instructions to make them from your bank, as if it were a shipment to any person or to any other bank. It tells you there what you have to entrar, such as the bank name, beneficiarythe IBAN of Agregado 500, etcétera.
The concept of transfer
This option will help you to make your shipment manually, but it will take up to a maximum of 5 business days. It means five business days. In the concept you must place the name that they place you, which is the account name in he transfer concept.
In this way they will put the cómputo and locate you as a person; if not, they won’t know where to put it and there could be problems.
After that, it says below that they do not charge a type of deposit fee, therefore at the beginning there will be no commissions for this type of shipment.
So the different shipping options you have are theoretically instantaneous, except for the manual transfer (this option in especial).
Higher transfer minimum
Despite this, the minimum transfer is higher, from 500.00 Eurowhat happens is that there is no maximum, this is so that you take into account the different options.
Remember that in indirect chat that is in the upper right part, you cánido contact someone and ask them more specific questions.
You perro see your money history
In money history You also have the transactions that you have made previously, in case you want to review them. It will help you maintain control of everything you do within Agregado 500.
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