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How to Deposit FIAT on Binance with Card

How to Deposit FIAT on Binance with Card

In this article, we have written what is the current procedure to be able to carry out your Fiat deposits on the Binance platform. Either, make deposits in euros, dollars, or the currency you want to send and is accepted on the Binance platform.

Therefore, instead of buy a cryptocurrency directlywhat you are going to do is deposit a current currency.

Deposit money to the Binance platform in 2023

As you should know, if you want to do any trading on the Binance platformThe first thing to do is entrar your usuario panel. However, if it is the first time you are entering, these will be the steps you must take:

You must go to the Binance pageonce you are inside the page you cánido go to the upper right side and clic on the button Sign up for Binance. Or simply on the button that appears in the middle of the web page.

a Registration Form which you must complete. In which you are asked to entrar your correo electrónico, a password of more than eight (08) digits. You must also accept the terms of conditions and services, to finish you must clic on create account. And that’s it, you’ll have the account ready to start invest in Binance.

How to deposit euros or dollars to Binance step by step

Returning to the main point of the article, which is the Fiat currency deposit on the Binance platform, you must now log in to your account. After you are inside your usuario panel, go to the menu on the top bar and clic on the option where it says Buy Crypto. But this time there will be a fiat currency deposit, depending on what you need deposit on Binance.

In the next page, in the currency to deposit box. A pop-up window will appear where you must Select the currency you are going to deposit.

After you have selected the currency you wish to deposit, you must now select the method used for deposit of your Fiat currency. So, here you will see the recommended methods, which in my case is in Spain.

Therefore, the methods accepted for a long time are these three: Bank Card (visa/MC), P2P Bank Transfer and Advcash. These last two have no commission (fee) for deposits made.

Also, here I explain each of the deposit options:

Deposit Fiat currency through Bank Cark

If you manage to select the first option, to carry out the payment through credit cards Visa or MasterCard. Clic on continue to be sent to a new section. There you will see a payment form.

In the amount boxyou must entrar the amount you want to deposit, below you perro see the amount that will be paid to you. Select the type of card to use, either Visa or MasterCard. You will also notice the commission charged by the platform for processing your payment. If you agree, clic confirm, so that your payment is processed.

Deposits on Binance vía P2P Bank Transfer

This is the second option that the Binance system to be able to deposit your money on the platform. It consists of a person-to-person (P2P) transfer, where you will be able to vea a large number of payment methods. You perro filter by payment method, or by amount offered to deposit. You perro also compare prices, and select the highest bidder, to negotiate. The good thing is that does not charge commission for this procedurebut it is a bit more complex than the first method.

Use Advcash Account Cómputo

This is the third option offered by the platform to Deposit Fiat on Binance, is a totally commission-free option. The only thing is that you must have an account in Advcash. After clicking confirm, a new section will appear where you must entrar the amount you want to transfer. Verify the exact amount, and clic the confirm button again.

Again, you will be directed to a new window, but this time you must log in to the Advcash platform, to authorize the funds transfer from this wallet to Binance. In addition will not charge you commissions for performing this procedure.

How long do I have to wait to see my deposit in the binance account?

The time you must wait for the confirmation of the funds on the Binance platform, It usually doesn’t take a couple of minutes.. Normally it is done instantly that the deposit is made, using any of the three available methods to make the transfer.

However, the one that usually lasts a little longer is the P2P deposit. Motivated that the other person is needed to verify that you have sent the correct amount to your external account. And subsequently release funds within the Binance platform.

After you have your Fiat funds on the platform, you cánido now carry out the different operations that you need. Whether it’s buy and invest in cryptocurrenciestrade, or just hold to be able to have later profits.

Vídeo of how to deposit money to Binance in 2023

If this fácil tutorial did not finish clarifying the doubts you had about what the Fiat coin deposit procedure on Binance. And you have some questions about how to make deposits of euros and dollars with your card or another method allowed on the platform.

So here is the next one vídeo-tutorialwhich is fully detailed, the entire process that you must follow for the correct deposit your funds on Binance.

It is important to clarify that the article you just read, it is completely informative, will never be an investment recommendation. If you want to invest, then consult a professional in the field so that give you the best recommendations.

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 How to Deposit FIAT on Binance with Card  How to Deposit FIAT on Binance with Card  How to Deposit FIAT on Binance with Card

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