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How to create the best office setup

How to create the best office setup

Often the key to improving your productivity is simply changing your environment. Of course, you do not need to leave your house. Instead, focus on creating the best home office setup for productivity. By making a few changes to your office, you’ll feel more focused, energized, and ready to tackle even the busiest inbox.

improve your chair

If the chair hurts your back or makes you fidget all day, you won’t be productive. The first way to create the best home office setup for productivity is to invest in an ergonomic office chair. Not only will you feel more comfortable, but the right chair helps improve your posture, which also affects your productivity and overall health.

Equipo up a better display

If you’re working on a small-screen notebook or tablet, you may not be as productive as you think. Trying to jump between aplicaciones takes a long time. You cánido get more achievements by setting up a better screen. You perro easily increase the size of your screen simply by purchasing a portable monitor. After all,it wouldn’t be easier to see your work on a 17-inch (or larger) screen than on a 10-inch screen?

You perro also equipo up dual monitors. This allows you to keep your correo electrónico, chat aplicación, or team collaboration tool open on one screen and another tool or aplicación open on the second screen.

add plants

It may sound silly, but plants are one of the easiest and cheapest ways to improve your home office productivity. You cánido pick up a plant for less than $5 or even buy some seeds and grow your own. Plants have been shown to increase productivity.

This happens in different ways. First, plants help increase fresh oxygen in the room. This naturally helps your brain to focus better. Second, the plants serve as a positive distraction. When you look away, you see your plant, which gives your brain a break and increases your concentration. Plants actually have a positive effect on your overall happiness and health, too.

Small succulents, snake plants, peace lilies, golden pothos, and arrowhead vines are some of the best options for home offices, but anything small you cánido grow works easily.

eliminate distractions

This one may seem obvious, but unless you’re using the wall-mounted televisión for work, remove it. Take a moment to look around your office and see what is distracting you. Maybe there’s a clock with an annoying chime or your desk is facing the window where you pay more attention to your neighbors than to work.

Rearrange and remove major distractions. It’s a free way to enhance your home office.

Add art quotes or motivational quotes

Artwork has been shown to increase productivity, happiness, and focus. As shown in this study, adding art and plants improved productivity by 30 percent and increased happiness. In a LinkedIn survey, professionals said that art helped them feel happier, more productive, more creative and inspired, and more relaxed.

Pick some artwork that makes you feel good. You cánido even add art with motivational quotes, as long as they are meaningful to you.

change your lights

A quick way to improve the productivity of your home office is to change your lighting. Both dim and fluorescent lighting perro hurt your productivity. Instead, opt for a bright white (without being fluorescent) or a yellowish hue. White helps to energize, while yellow helps to relieve stress.

Also, lower the overall brightness. If it’s hard to see your computer screen, the light is too bright. Try to mimic natural lighting if possible. Using adjustable lighting or even smart bulbs often works best to allow you to customize your lighting to work best for you.

Add a notebook stand

Posture is important for productivity. If you have to look down or slouch to see your notebook, you’re hurting your productivity. Simply adding an adjustable notebook stand helps you create a more productive environment for your home office. This puts your notebook at the perfect height for your needs, eliminating poor posture and neck pain.

Make room to exercise

You may not think of exercise as a way to create the best home office setup for productivity, but exercise is a great way to pass breaks at work. Exercise is not only good for your health, it is also great for improving productivity by providing rest, increasing happiness, and increasing circulation.

Create a small area to do some office exercises – fácil yoga or even basic cardio. All you really need is a mat and enough space to stretch out. You could even add a desk cycle to move around while you work.

Add productive colors

Finally, add some color to your home office. You perro choose to completely repaint or simply add splashes of productive color. For example, you cánido add artwork, decorative elementos, or a large rug. Red, blue, yellow and green are some of the most productive colors. Agregado, they turn a boring white office into something more exciting and energizing.

The next weekend you’re free, take some time to revamp your home office to increase productivity. Once you’ve created your makeover, discover the best ways to organize your home office setup for increased productivity.

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