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How to create an invoice in Word easily and quickly

How to create an invoice in Word easily and quickly

Microsoft Word It has, by default, templates that allow you to create personalized invoices, but how to do it? Next we will explain step by step the way in which these updated invoices cánido be created.

These templates are in your official Web, followed by that you will only have to download the one that best suits your needs. You have different designs to choose from, as well as different functions in relation to the type of sale made.

basic invoice

Among all the options you have for different templates, not only in design, but in utility, there is the first of those options, a bit more basic. What you should do is select it, and clic on Discharge.

It will be downloading on the lower edge of your computer screen, when finished you perro open it with just one clic. If you don’t see it, you perro also search in downloadsor the default folder you have for downloads.

Word Invoice Template

It is important to consider that when opening the invoice that you have downloaded, it may take a little longer than a habitual Word, so you will have to have a little patience. This is so because it is not empty, it is a template a bit overloaded with suitable data for an invoice.

custom modifications

Once you have the template, you perro start change and fill with real information necessary. You will have to modify everything that is between brackets for the information that it indicates there, you must place.

The first thing you will do on the upper edge is place the name of your company, below select the date, as well as the invoice number.

Billing address

In section Billing address You will also have to add the corresponding data, starting with the name of customeryour identity number, complete address and telephone number.

Shipping Address

The Shipping Address It is very important especially if it is different from customer’s address. Otherwise, you perro delete everything in that section and what has already been added may be enough.

In addition, you cánido modify the same box to make it much more pleasing to the eye, in case it is of interest to you, or leave it as it is, but empty; it will be your personal decision. At the end, remember that it is an invoice model.

sale details

In the second half of the sample sheet of the Word invoice, you perro place the details of the ones you have sold. Starting with the number of objects or services sold, the name of the same, the precious description, the price, the discount in case it is so, and the total.

At the end of the box you have to place the Total, Subtotal, additional to the tax rate (if necessary), and the final total in the blue bar. If there are no discounts or subtotals, they are simply left blank.

Personal information

At the end of the page you have a specific pié de página to place Your personal information. If you have placed all the customer’s data at the beginning of the sheet, yours should be below.

Once you have everything, you perro save them in the same Word, or also you perro export it as PDF. In the same way, you have other template options, which are just as fácil and quick to carry out, as well as other options to do it in Excel, and even en línea, among others.

Vídeo tutorial on how to create an invoice through a Microsoft Word 2023 template

If you are one of those who need visual examples to understand, or for purposes, more quickly, we leave you a vídeo tutorial explained in detail how to create an invoice through a Microsoft Word template 2023.

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 How to create an invoice in Word easily and quickly  How to create an invoice in Word easily and quickly  How to create an invoice in Word easily and quickly

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