In this article we will explain step by step how to create a Paxful account so quick and easy. The first step will be to access its official page (Press here).
How to register on Paxful in 2023 step by step
Upon entering the Paxful Pageyou will have two options: Phone number or Dirección de correo electrónico.
In the case of dirección de correo electrónico You must fill in the nombre de usuario and password, then clic on the backlink to create an account and you will have to slide to find the capchat.
In the event that you have a corporate account, you have a specific option for it, but in this case it is individual.
They will send us an dirección de correo electrónico to verify our correo electrónico, to which they will send a code that we will entrar and they will ask us for the telephone number, which we will copy to send the required code.
Subsequently, they will validate and redirect to the main page welcoming you with the different options offered by Paxful such as buying with Paypal, as well as a diversity of methods that perro be used as forms of payment.
It must be taken into account that it is important to complete the identity verification process In order not to have restrictions and you perro use the account as habitual, this is information that is required by any platform that is financially regulated, in this they will ask you for information such as country, providing identity documents such as, for example: the DNI in Spain , then you must indicate the address by attaching a receipt such as a utility bill (electricity, water, gas or telephone, etcétera.).
Also, the issue of Account Verification corporate is simply if you registered this type of account.
By completing all these steps, you should be verified correctly and you would not have major limits or restrictions. It is important that once you have the account created, you continue to learn about how to use Paxful and how the platform worksso that you cánido carry out correct and completely safe operations.
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