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The cryptocurrency system has gained an impressive boom in recent years. And it is not for less, since the advantages and usefulness that the virtual currency system offers you are exponentially great.

One of the most famous platforms of the moment is the Cryptocurrency Wallet coinbase.

In this articulo we are going to teach you how to cHow to create a Coinbase account in 2023.

To register we invite you to use the following in the Cand, with which you perro automatically access the main page of said platform:

Direct backlink:

Through this backlink, thanks to the official coinbase promotion, you cánido win nine euros (€9) plus in your first amount of eighty-five euros (€85)! buying any of the existing cryptocurrencies.

Access the website to follow the step by step while reading this article.

Go now to CoinBase

How to register in Coinbase 2023 step by step

Alright, let’s get started. To do this you must do the following:

  1. you owe him clic where says BEGIN.

  1. It will espectáculo you a box that says «Create your Account” where they ask you personal information:

    1. No.ombre,

    2. Your surnamesand it is essential that they be both (2).

    3. A password. When you are placing it you will see a circle that marks the security level, you must ensure that it turns green so you will know that your password meets the requirements.

    4. You must certify that you are over 18 years of ageand that you have read the usuario agreement and privacy policy which we suggest you read carefully.

  1. Once you have everything ready you clic in «Create Account».

  1. You will see a notice telling you that Coinbase backed the GDPRa European regulation that regulates data privacy, then you you clic to following.

  1. Now it will espectáculo you the pprivacy policies. (Recommendation that you read them). Having read them, clic Accept.

  1. If you want to keep up to date on some special offers, of new products come out or some service they offer, perro clic in Yeahbut if you prefer to ignore it, press where it says No.

  1. will be presented before you a box that says “Verify your dirección de correo electrónico”. For this they will send you a message to the correo electrónico you put for registration.

  1. To the open the message in your correo electrónico You will see a big button that will say “Verify dirección de correo electrónico address”. press it and so you will do the verification.

  1. For greater security, they will ask you for the country and the number of the phone mobile Well, it is another verification method, at the end you press where It says «Send code».

  1. to the mobile phone the confirmation code will arriveyou must entrar it and clic to Send.

  1. Now you will have to cconfirm your nationalityand you press Send.

  1. Confirm your identity by putting your name and both surnames, your date of birth, the postal address, that is, where you live (the street) and the postal code.

You must also specify what you will use the account for and what is the source of the funds, they will also ask you for the NIF or the NIEwhich is the ID or a substitute for IDdepending on the country, they may ask you for other types of documents, and with this you clic to Continue.

  1. Here now you must indicate with what camount of Cryptocurrencies you are going to operate a year (you cánido put an approximate, because in the end it will not influence the registration).

  1. You must also indicate in which ámbito do you workthis is to have more data, because it will not determine anything, now clic in Send.

  2. As it is a financial broker, you will have to vverify your identity againfor this you cánido choose the passport, he driving license or the national identity card.

  1. choose a charging method, that is, loading the archivo from the computerwith the camera of the mobilewave cámara web.

Important: It is essential that the document looks good, if not, they will not accept it, after you have uploaded it, clic Upload.

  1. This is the last step, where they tell you that they are verifying your dataand that when they have done it they will notify your correo electrónicoafter they notify you, you perro start using your new coinbase account.

Go now to CoinBase

How to equipo up a Coinbase account and its Security

When you are inside your account you will see the following settings:

  1. The offer that we mentioned to you at the beginning about the €9 plus that you will win with your first amount of €85.

  1. Top right you cánido have you logotipo. Since you are a new usuario, none will appear, but if you wish, you clic and the option to configure it will appear.

  1. After this it will espectáculo you the top preferences so that, before starting to move, you leave them all well configured, among them are.

  • you clic on preferences and you will see the option of if you want that receive dirección de correo electrónico notificationsyou perro andread your local currency, and choose your time zone in case there has been a change regarding the registry, or you have gotten confused in something and want to change it.

  • Security: here you will see the 2 step verificationit is something very important that we recommend you activate, because it will help you to send a message to your mobile phone or a code depending on the option you choose when you open your account from another device, to verify that you are the one activating it, this gives you Greater security to your account apart from the password.

  1. Financial services.

  2. Activity: Here you will be shown from which computer or device people have connected to your account.

  1. Privacy.

  2. Payment method: in this section you must indicate how you will buy the cryptocurrencies, which is normally done with a credit or debit card.

  3. API and,

  4. account limits: where you are told the limits that your accounts have, in terms of withdrawing and buying. This is already predetermined and cannot be modified, but you cánido view them.

So far, you have seen how to sign up for coinbase and the basic account settings. In the upper left part of the window, in the option Aid you have other things that perro be useful to you. We will give you more information about how to use your coinbase account and for this, we leave you below, a backlink to the vídeo tutorial that contains it:

Sign up for CoinBase



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