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How to create a Binance account step by step

How to create a Binance account step by step

Binance It is one of the most renowned wallets currently in the cryptocurrency campo and one of the most used for having low commission rates. In this articulo we are going to teach you how to how to create an account on Binance in 2023step by step, as usual, so you don’t have obstacles when doing it.

To open a free account on this platform, access Binance clicking here.

Sign up for Binance

How to register on Binance in 2023 step by step

What you will proceed to do, once you are inside the Binance registration page, It will be what is described below:

  1. On the page in front of you, you will see a box titled “Create Binance account” (Create a Binance Account), where you must entrar some corresponding data:

  • In section Correo electrónicoobviously, you must entrar an address Correo electrónico let it be yours

  • In Passwordentrar a passwordIt is recommended that it be safe.

  • In the next line, indicate in the designated box, which you have read and You accept the Terms of Service from Binance (I have read and agree to Binance Terms of Service).

Finished this step, you clic to create account.

  1. The next step is about the Verification of your account (Account Verification) by means of the correo electrónico that you have linked. For this, you must entrar a code in the respective section, but you get this in a message that Binance will have sent to the linked dirección de correo electrónico. To find it you perro do it as follows:

  • Log in from your dirección de correo electrónico.

  • if you use gmaillocate in the left side panel the option Further.

  • Within this option, look for the option All.

  • And in all you will see the Binance messagewhich, you must open for copy the code of 6 digits that you must entrar on the page Binance Account Verification.

  1. Having verified your account, you arrive at a page where HE welcomes you to Binance (Welcome to Binance). On that page you owe clic to option Go to Dashboard top right.

So far, you have filled what it is registering your account on Binance. However, these are not all the steps that you have had to take to open said account. you still have to do something plus.

Go to Binance

How to protect your Binance account

As in any en línea financial platform, Binance will require you to do verification of your account to be able to operate in it, once you have made your registration. This will make you add more security to your accountfor which, you must proceed to what we will tell you next:

Equipo Two Aspecto Authentication

How do you do it? Well, then we will espectáculo you:

  1. Once in the main section of your screen, you must locate the 2FA option (Two Aspecto Authentication) with their respective verify button (get verified) and clic it.

  1. Once this is done, a floating window appears where you are given the options to make your security check (Verification security) through Google plus (Google plus verification) or the mobile (phone verification). In this case you are going to choose the second option.

  1. On the next page, titled “Enable Phone Number Verification”you will see a box with two sections (New Phone Number Verification and security verification), in addition to several sections where you must add the following information:

  • Entrar your mobile number within the corresponding section,

  • after which, you will clic in the respective option Get code to have a sent to you temporary verification code, by mensaje de texto, to the mobile you are linking.

  • Received that codeyou shall entrar it in the designated section for it.

  • Following this, you must clic to the next option Get code for also send you a Verification code to you dirección de correo electrónico bound.

  • You must look for this another code in you mailbox correo electrónico and entrar it in the corresponding section of the current box.

Done all this, you will clic to the button submission (Introduce).

  1. Then you must clic on the button Back to Security (Back to Safety) in the page Phone Number Enable (Available phone number).

In this way, you will have your phone verified on Binance and adjusted the two step authenticationso now you perro, apart from entering your password, also entrar a code that will reach your mobile, thus adding more security to your Binance account.

Now, finally, you need to do one more thing to complete this adjustment process.

Adjust your Personal Verification

Within the interfaz of your account, you will have a final option, which you will need to configure as well. We refer to the Verifying your identity within Binance. You will achieve this in the following way:

  1. Locate and press he button VIPO Verify at the top of your interfaz.

  1. With this, you will entrar a next page called Staff Verification, where you cánido start verifying yourself. In it, you will automatically be asked to confirm your country of residence giving clic on he next button.

  1. Next, you will have three verification options that depend on the degree of privacy that you want to provide to your account, but that, in turn, the degree of restrictions or limits that you have in the use of it will depend on this. These options are:

We tell you a little about these:

The Basic Personal Verification option (Required)

To access this option, you must press he Verify Now button in the box on the far left. It consists of adding the following data:

  • You Nationality (Nationality), one more time.

  • You first name (First name).

  • You Last name (last name).

  • You middle name (Second name), which is only optional.

  • You Birth date (Birthdate).

  • Subsequently, he you will clic to continue.

  • Then clic in Okey floating window Basic Verified.

So you could do unlimited crypto deposits and crypto-withdrawals at 0.06 BTCs daily.

On the other hand, and to the left of this option, in the central box, you find:

The Intermediate Personal Verification option (Expand Limits)

Again, to access this option, you must press he button After Basic (after the basics) of that center box. The data that you must add, among others, are the following:

  • All Basic Requirements (All Basic requirements).

  • Government ID (you National identity document), on the obverse and on the reverse.

  • Factual Verification (You Face Verification).

  • Followed by this, press continue.

And, with these options checked (the basic and the intermediate), you would already get higher limits in terms of crypto-financial operations within Binance.

The Advanced Verification Option (No Limits)

This option, as its name implies, is more advanced and requires greater procedures to be able to verify it, such as, for example, through the correspondence that arrives at home and verify with a code mailing address.

As it has been possible to detalla here, for open an account on BinanceIt’s not just a matter of registerbut also to do your check pertinent so that, in this way, your limits are expanded around your operations within this platform. We hope this information will be helpful to you in your goal of becoming a member of the growing Binance community.

Vídeo tutorial on how to open a Binance account in 2023

We invite you to see the Vídeo How to Create a Binance Account in 2023 so that you have greater clarity regarding this topic, in case you still have any doubts.

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 How to create a Binance account step by step  How to create a Binance account step by step  How to create a Binance account step by step

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