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How to connect MetaMask with OpenSea

How to connect MetaMask with OpenSea

You may have created an OpenSea account to buy some NFTs you are interested in, but to make such purchases you need to have a wallet linked to your OpenSea account.

MetaMask is the most recommended wallet to make this type of connection. If you don’t know how do the linking of MetaMask with OpenSea in 2023; In this article you will know the step by step to do it.

How to backlink METAMASK with OPENSEA 2023

Connecting OpenSea with MetaMask is very fácil, but in order for you to carry out the process without mistakes, you must inform yourself well.

OpenSea is one of the most habitual NFT sites, but it is important to bear in mind that it works linked to a wallet to be able to make a purchase or any other operation, since OpenSea will only take care of showing you the NFTs.

From now on we will indicate step by step what you perro do to have this connection.

  1. Access the OpenSea interfaz and clic on “Profile”.

  1. From now on you will be shown various wallets so that you cánido choose the one you want to backlink with OpenSea.

  1. Log in with your MetaMask password.

  1. Once you are inside your OpenSea account. You will be able to see the NFTs you have available, send NFT sales proposals, see your address so that they cánido send you NFTs (the address is under your name).

This would be basically all you need to do to connect OpenSea with MetaMask. As you perro see, There are few steps that you must apply.

From now on we will leave you a explanatory vídeo so you perro see the development of this step by step, and thus make the connection with more confidence.

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 How to connect MetaMask with OpenSea  How to connect MetaMask with OpenSea  How to connect MetaMask with OpenSea

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