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How to Charge with Credit Card

How to Charge with Credit Card

A lot of different stores use some form of credit card charging. This is not for less, since it is estimated that approximately 90% of the different users in the market have at least one type of credit card.

Therefore, one of the most important things for any business is to facilitate different payment methods, including credit cards. There are different options for charging with credit cards without forgetting the most conventional ones such as the dataphone.

Next, we are going to espectáculo you some of the different forms of payment so that you perro always have your business with the latest technology without any problem.

How to charge with a credit card remotely?

If what you want is to collect en línea, there are a large number of options to carry out said transaction.

The most habitual are:

  • PayPal: payments perro be made through a fácil backlink. With this backlink you cánido pay for any type of product and make receipts. To access these options, there are two points:
    • I: This is the option of personal accounts that allows you to use small amounts of money with a commission.
    • PayPal Business: This is the option for business accounts.
  • Square: It has different payment gateways and allows you to make any transaction, one of the most habitual being that used by mobile.

How to charge with credit card by phone?

In the case of accepting payments by phone, you have two options. The first is to make the purchase of a credit card terminal with your bank.

The main problem with this type of terminal is that they usually charge too high commissions.

The other option you have to charge en línea is through the terminals Square. As we mentioned in the previous point, Square offers solutions to make payments with phones through personalized terminals. This is a fairly inexpensive option for the usuario.

You do not need to use a POS from a bank if you have a suitable payment gateway. Many companies provide such services to Internet users without any inconvenience. Paypal also has this option.

How to charge with a credit card without Posnet?

As we mentioned before, if you do not have a terminal, there are platforms that allow you to carry out charges without the need for posnet.

These methods would be:

  1. Mercadopago: allows you to charge any type of card, however the payment gateway may be a bit unstable.
  2. All paid: afín to the previous one, it is still quite unstable.
  3. Square: This is a pretty solid option, however it is not found in some territories so you have to check if it applies in your area.
  4. PayPal: It is the most used option, however it has the problem that in some cases it will not allow you to make payments in person since it is a platform more oriented to en línea business. However, if you achieve a certain volume of sales, you perro request a bank terminal without problems.

How to charge with credit card in my business?

To get paid in your business you need to have a credit card terminal and a telephone line. As we mentioned before, there are private companies that offer these options, however, if what you want is a more classic option, your best option is to go with a contract with a bank.

Each bank has different alternatives and requirements, however, the most common are:

  1. Have a legal business: in many banks they will ask for your taxpayer number (or its equivalent) in order to offer you a terminal
  2. Choose the bank you want to work with: each institution has different advantages and disadvantages compared to other options.
  3. Open a savings account at the bank of your choice: They may ask you for a specific type of account, the most common is that it is a business account.
  4. Fill out a contract: in said contract you will accept the terms and conditions and you must provide proof of address and opening license.
  5. Buy/rent the terminal

How to charge with a credit card en línea?

To accept payments en línea you have two main options:

  • Make use of private payment tools that belong to companies that allow payment processing on their platforms, the best known being Paypal, Square, Payoneer and Shopify.

The main attraction of this type of payment tools is that they are usually completely included and They have low commissions.

  • Make use of bank payment tools both conventional banks and microfinance.

The main attraction of this type of payment tools is that they usually have an integration to your bank accounts and You also have the support of your bank.

We hope you liked our article How to Charge with Credit Card
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 How to Charge with Credit Card  How to Charge with Credit Card  How to Charge with Credit Card

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