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How to change Mega password

How to change Mega password

Mega is, by far, the best storage service. As you cánido imagine within it we will put very valuable archivosFor this reason it is important that you become aware of the password when creating and modifying it, because if you do not change it regularly (15-30 days) some bad person could leave you without access, and you could lose all your archivos and even the entire account . Also, keep in mind to always try to save the “recovery key” in a safe place.

Change the password in Mega It is fácil and very quick to do, you perro carry out the password change process through a web browser (Google plus Google chrome, Mozilla firefox Mozilla firefox or Trabaja) as well as from the mobile application (Android/iOS).

Next, we will detail the steps to follow to know how to change the password in MEGA.

Change Mega password from the web

Change or modify MEGA password It’s a quick and easy process, but it’s always a good thing to go over the basic steps of making the change. Before you begin, if you do not remember your current password or are not logged in, you must recover your account. Follow the steps below to change your password:

  1. go to or write in the browser
  2. Access with your usuario and password.
  3. Clic on the 3 horizontal stripes (menu) in the upper right corner and go to «My account”.
  4. On the far left, tap “Security”.
  5. Search on the screen “Change Password” and entrar the new password and below entrar it again (note that for greater security in your account your “password” must have uppercase, lowercase, numbers and/or special symbols).
  6. Press «Change Password«.
  7. Perfect! You have successfully changed your password.
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Remember that once the change is made, you must use this new password when opening it from a web browser, using the extension or mobile application.

Security consejos to avoid losing access to your Mega account

Reviewing the Mega account recovery article, we will detail a review of the recommendations to take into account to avoid losing access to the MEGA account, and thus prevent losing access to your data and archivos.

Our consejos for a greater security in your account are:

  • Your recovery key saved in a safe place: in case of not pointing it out when creating the account in you cánido go to “Menu» > «export recovery key“I’ll download the key in a archivo named”MEGA-RECOVERYKEY.txt» or write it down. It is very important that you have your password in a safe place as it will help you to recover your account in case of problems later.
  • Change your password regularly: Follow the instructions we have written in this article to change your password on a regular basis, which will make it more difficult for a stranger to access your account. It is recommended every 15 days.
  • secure password: Try to apply the best possible combination between upper and lower case, special characters, numbers, etcétera.
  • Avoid having the same passwords: It is always advisable to have a variety of passwords between accounts, imagine that they access your MEGA account and with the same «pass» cánido access your correo electrónico, fb, instagram, etcétera. It would be total chaos!

In this way, your Mega account will be extremely secure, and all that remains is for you to enjoy the download speed and security that MEGA has to offer!

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  How to change Mega password

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