How to change Bitcoins to Euros en línea or

How to change Bitcoins to Euros en línea or

The increase in pages, applications among others to earn cryptocurrencies is frequently noted. To save them we use virtual purses or wallets (wallets), the situation becomes complex when we need to convert them into euros or dollars. Well, not all wallets support it.

It must be taken into account that the conversion generates commissions, which in some cases are usually higher than the amount to be exchanged. Therefore, people dedicate themselves to accumulating a little more in their wallet so that the exchange is beneficial. There are also other factors, find out about them here.

How to know the exchange rate?

When deciding to change the Bitcoins that accumulate in the wallets to euros, you clearly have to know what you are going to get. Let’s remember that cryptocurrencies have undergone fluctuations, so by the time of the change it must be known exactly.

For this you have to check the current exchange rate, also evaluate if it is the right time to proceed with the change and obtain liquidity. It is possible that in a short time a rise occurs and it is better used, although the opposite may happen.

That type of change will be known at the site or place selected for the change process.

Factors to consider

Cryptocurrencies are increasingly revalued and when the time comes to change them, significant factors must be considered that will be explained below.


Security is very important when proceeding to change bitcoins to euros, because scammers are usually anywhere taking advantage of the moment. However, cryptocurrencies are often seen as a package that comes with everything, you have to carefully review the secure sites that offer this service.

For what it’s worth check trusted sites where you buy or trade cryptocurrency, they may also offer such a service. If you do not, they will probably indicate a reliable and safe place for them where you cánido achieve your goal.


The commissions are another important point, because generally we always look for them to be lower so as not to lose a certain amount of money when changing and obtaining liquidity. But, there are also sites that offer very low commissions to take advantage of this type of people who seek to minimize expenses and may be scammed.

So it’s timely check multiple pages who provide this service vea the reputation and evaluate the value of the commissions to determine if it is convenient.

En línea exchange: Exchanges, Brokers and Wallets

There are several sites to change Bitcoins to euros, although the first option is occupied by Exchanges, Brokers and/or Wallets. These are platforms focused on cryptocurrency trading facilitating buying/selling, exchange, and other related transactions. Like everything, some are better than others, however, Most habitual are:

. – coinbase.

. – Kraken.

. –Bit2Me.

Delimiting that for Bitcoin anonymity is one of its principles, the exhanges, usually request identification through the scanned DNI. Next, upload it to the web or aplicación; Once the change to euros has been made, it will be verified in the bank account or in Paypal if available.

Bitcoin ATMs

There are Bitcoin ATMs for the process of exchanging cryptocurrency for cash (euros), but unfortunately in few placesLike in big cities. Although, some websites serve as an ATM locator and it is possible that they open in other places in other places, it is always good to consult.

These ATMs will request the QR code displayed by the Bitcoins wallet when processing the purchase, then verify the identity through their own system. Do not forget that all negotiation generates commissions and each platform establishes its rate, again you must check the exchange rate.

Use of Paypal

PayPal It is a globally recognized platform in which it is also possible to receive funds when exchanging bitcoins using certain platforms. Basically you must have a Paypal account, then you must backlink a card to purchase or send money with Paypal.

Once everything has been satisfactorily confirmed, it is possible to carry out the operations you want.

If you were worried about how to convert Bitcoins into euros or any other legal tender, you may have noticed that the process does not involve major efforts. You just have to be very attentive and safe when taking any step, so it is advisable to verify the authenticity of the websites to consult.

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 How to change Bitcoins to Euros en línea or
  How to change Bitcoins to Euros en línea or
  How to change Bitcoins to Euros en línea or

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