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How to buy SLP on Binance (Step by Step)

How to buy SLP on Binance (Step by Step)

Welcome to this new article, where I have brought you a tutorial, explaining the process for Buy Smooth Love Potion (SLP) on Binance. In an easy, fácil and safe way. Well, if you are a seguidor of the NTF platform of Axis Infinity. You will need them for spawn new pets. Turning SLP into a tokenized digital asset and in great demand in the market.

So, this fácil tutorial will allow you to get your Smooth Love Potion on Binance. So that you cánido receive your rewards in the skill game and you perro breed your Axies to take out good earnings to the platform.

How to buy SLP on Binance in 2023

In order to start with purchase of SLPs Through the Binance exchange platform, the first thing you must do is entrar your Binance usuario panel. If it is the first time you perform this operation. At the end of this article I will leave you the backlinks to some vídeo tutorials that will help you open your Binance account and equipo it up.

Once you are inside your usuario dashboard on Binance, you must go to the upper left side and clic on Buy Crypto. A menu of options will be displayed, select the Credit/Debit Card, by clicking on this option.

You will be shown a new screen, where you perro entrar the Fiat currency type that you want to use to make the purchase. By default you will get the one for your place of residence, however by clicking there you perro change the fiat currency to use.

Then in the box below you must select the crypto asset you want to buy, BTC is output by default. You must clic on this box to change the currency, you place in the search engine SLP which is short for Smooth Love Potion. And it will automatically appear. Clic on this option to configure the purchase process.

How to complete the purchase of SLP on Binance?

In this step you will see the buy boxes, at the top you must entrar the amount in euros or your local currency. What do you want to invest in the purchase of Smooth Love Potion on Binance. However, the minimum purchase that the platform allows is 15 Euros.

FOR EXAMPLE, Suppose you make a purchase for 20 Euros, which at the current price would be 246 SLP. If you agree with the transaction then clic on the yellow button to continue.

Subsequently, the exchange that you are about to make will appear reflected. make euros to SLP. At the bottom you will be able to see the credit card that you will use to buy your Smooth Love Potion through Binance. If you have not added it or want to change your card, you must give Clic Change Card. After you agree with everything, clic Continue.

In this last step, a general summary will appear. Where you will see the type of card you are going to use, the current price of SLP on Binance. as well as the amount of Smooth Love Potion that you will receive and the 2% commission that they charge you for this transaction.

If you agree with all the exchange that you are about to make, then you accept the conditions of use. And clic the confirm button. It is likely that depending on the bank used for the purchase, it will ask you for some authorization to finish the purchase process.

Vídeo of how to buy Smooth Love Potion cryptocurrency on Binance

When you do the purchases of the Smooth Love Potion through the Binance platform. You will have them immediately available, after completing the transaction. Allowing you to save it in your Binance wallet for when you need them. Or if you prefer to send it once a Axies Infinity platform.

I hope this how-to article buy Smooth Love Potion on Binance. It has been quite helpful for you to acquire your SLP easily. However, if you need better guidance, then here is this vídeo tutorial. Where you cánido find more detailed information that I have provided here.

Also, here you also have this play list where you will find all the tutorials. With respect to Binance crypto asset exchange platform.

This articulo has been written only for the purpose of being for informational purposes only. If you are looking for where to invest, then you should seek professional help, to guide you in what are the best investments of the moment.

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 How to buy SLP on Binance (Step by Step)  How to buy SLP on Binance (Step by Step)  How to buy SLP on Binance (Step by Step)

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