How to Buy or Sell Cryptocurrency on AIRTM
How to Buy or Sell Cryptocurrency on AIRTM
Does the iniciativa of the buy and sell cryptos on Airtm? The truth is that, it may seem so to you, but it is not complicated at all to buy and sell cryptocurrencies on said platform. The following article will clear your doubts about it.
First of all, log in to your Airtm account to better follow this step by step.
How to buy Cryptocurrencies within AirTM in 2023
If you are already logged into your account and have sufficient funds for the purchase you wish to make, then pay attention to the necessary process for it:
Ingresa to cryptosin the left sidebar.
Now, inside the section «Buy» (where you already appear by default), perro choose the crypto that you want to buy
Within that crypto, you must place the amount to buy in cryptocurrencies. Then clic on confirm purchase.
Finally, you wait a bit for the purchase to proceed so that your assets perro already be appreciated in the crypto cómputo.
How to sell cryptocurrencies on AirTM in 2023
If you already have crypto in your wallet, you perro now reverse the process in order to test how a cryptocurrency sale is made. It’s very fácil too.
Again, you go to cryptos in the sidebar.
Now you entrar the section “Sell”, pressing on her.
Select the cryptocurrency what do you want to sell
Entrar the amount What do you plan to sell? clic on Maximum if you want to sell everything) and then clic on Confirm Sale.
In the same way, you wait a bit for the system to proceed with the sale and you would have your cómputo back in the main currency of your account.
As you have noticed, there are few and very fácil steps that you must take when Buy and sell cryptocurrency on Airtm. It is just as shown in this article.
Vídeo about how to trade cryptocurrencies on Airtm in 2023
If you still have any concerns regarding the subject, you cánido watch the following vídeo that will clarify it for sure:
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